Book Review: Sh*tty Mom
I don’t have kids and I don’t really ever want to have kids (although this book teaches me that not wanting them does not prevent me from having them, hmm..) so I am probably not the one who should be reading this book, but from the write up it seemed funny so I had to check it out. (I worked at Toys R Us in high school and college so I’ve seen my fair share of sh*tty moms (and dads)).
The book is relatively short, under 200 pages, but it covers a LOT of different topics and in an amusing way. I liked the section that said “Things that other people love more than you love your kid” and one was “A Belieber and Justin Bieber”, that definitely cracked me up for a bit longer than it should have! (In the chapter about non moms who think their dog is their child and they love the dog more than you love your child)
I also thought it was funny in the chapter about finding a babysitter. It mentioned to decide how important it is that your sitter knows the difference between “their and “they’re”. To me now, it seems important. After reading this book -I found out that my attitude really should be – if the sitter shows up on time – nothing else matters. (And here I thought I was a good sitter because I know the difference AND am on time.)
This book was definitely a fun read, even though I am not a parent and I think for those of you who do have kids it will be even more amusing so I definitely recommend it for anyone looking for a fun, quick read about how much people can’t stand their children.
I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.
About the Book
Sh*tty Mom is the ultimate parenting guide, written by four moms who have seen it all. As hilarious as it is universal, each chapter presents a common parenting scenario with advice on how to get through it in the easiest and most efficient way possible. With chapters such as “How to Sleep Until 9 A.M. Every Weekend” and “When Seeing an Infant Triggers a Mental Illness That Makes You Want to Have Another Baby,” as well as a Sh*tty Mom quiz, this is a must-have, laugh-out-loud funny book for the sh*tty parent in all of us.
Laurie Kilmartin is an Emmy-nominated writer for CONAN on TBS, and, as a stand-up comedian, has appeared on CONAN, Last Comic Standing, Jimmy Kimmel Live, and Comedy Central. She lives in Los Angeles with her son. Karen Moline is a journalist and author who has written more than two dozen nonfiction books, as well as two novels. Karen and her son live in New York City.Alicia Ybarbo is a four-time Emmy award-winning producer. She has worked on NBC’s TODAY show since 2000. She lives in New York City with her husband and two children. Three-time Emmy award-winning producer Mary Ann Zoellner has worked at NBC news for 16 years. She lives in New York City with her husband and two daughters.