Earlier in the week my mom and I made an order from Bath and Body Works. It was a LOT of stuff, so yesterday when it arrived I went to look at the packing slip to sort through everything. Except the packing slip was for someone completely different. Instead, I had to take my laptop to the table and log in to my account – luckily everything was there.
Today, I got all excited because I had a package when I came downstairs for lunch. As I opened it I realized it was my postcards from UPrinting! This got me even more excited because the stamps I ordered should be coming any day now, so I could get back to postcrossing! However, when I opened the package, the were postcards for someone else! Someone in Canada, so I can’t even ship them to the person because the cost is going to be insane. Now I am on the chat with the company hopefully sorting this out – and how they handle the situation will decide if I use them in the future for more postcards.
But man… who do these companies have fulfilling their orders?