June 29, 2010

Book Review: Pretty Little Liars Books 5-8

I just finished the Pretty Little Liars series.  I feel like maybe I should have stopped after the first 4, the story kind of became unbelievable in the last couple of books.  It still kept my attention, but in the back of my mind I couldn’t help but think everything was getting out of control and the author was grasping at straws to keep us confused and in the dark as to who was causing all this trouble in Rosewood.

We finally find out who killed Ali and who the new A is. (Yes, after book 4 when the girls think they have rid themselves of A, A returns to Rosewood to try and ruin the girls lives, AGAIN!)  We also find out about the title of the series “Pretty Little Liars” and how the girls get this name.  We also find out what Hanna really thinks about people who have blogs (she thinks they have no life! hmph!)

While the story was a little far fetched at parts – it still kept me up all night wanting to read more and I do believe that the last book tied up all the loose ends and provided closure on what all the girls went on to do once this drama had left their life.  The books were all under 200 pages and I flew through the last two because I so badly wanted to know what was going to happen (even if I wasn’t too thrilled with the path the story was taking)

I also can’t wait to see what the TV Series ends up doing with the story – the series has gotten renewed for another 12 episodes, so I suppose that those will cover these last 4 books.  Not sure where they will go with the storylines if they get renewed for a second season, unless they try to drag things out more now.

Overall I would recommend these books if you like the TV Series or if you like mystery stories that are geared towards teens.  They are quick reads and the characters for the most part are easy to relate to.

I received no compensation for reviewing these books, it is just my opinion on books that I read!

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