June 11, 2010

Shipping Fail!

Earlier in the week my mom and I made an order from Bath and Body Works.  It was a LOT of stuff, so yesterday when it arrived I went to look at the packing slip to sort through everything.  Except the packing slip was for someone completely different.  Instead, I had to take my laptop to the table and log in to my account – luckily everything was there.

Today, I got all excited because I had a package when I came downstairs for lunch.  As I opened it I realized it was my postcards from UPrinting! This got me even more excited because the stamps I ordered should be coming any day now, so I could get back to postcrossing!  However, when I opened the package, the were postcards for someone else! Someone in Canada, so I can’t even ship them to the person because the cost is going to be insane.  Now I am on the chat with the company hopefully sorting this out – and how they handle the situation will decide if I use them in the future for more postcards.

But man… who do these companies have fulfilling their orders?

Flashback Friday – 2008

2008 is when I started this blog, and I believe I started posting scrapbook pages in October, so this “little” catch up post will stop before the October pages that were originally posted on here – and then we are all caught up with all my concert scrapbook pages I’ve made, Ever! Wow!

Hanson toured this year, I went to NYC and was obsessed with finding Gossip Girl locations, I went to see the Jonas Brothers for the first time (and a few times after that), I went to see Honor Society for the firs time (and a few times after that) I hit my 100th concert milestone… and there’s some other stuff mixed in there as well 🙂

Gossip Girl locations in NYC



top of the rock

More gossip girl spots

Gossip Girl Locations

Central Park

Central Park

Orpheus in the Underworld

Top of the Rock

Hannah Montana 3D Movie

Spice Girls

Jonas Brothers

Jonas Brothers soundcheck


Colin and Brad

Hanson MA

Hanson NH

Hanson NH

Hanson NH

Hanson NJ

Hanson PA

Blake Lewis NY


First Honor Society Show / 100th Concert

Honor Society

Pics w/ Honor Society

Start of a new scrapbook

Jonas Brothers

Jonas Brothers

Jonas Brothers

Jonas Brothers 3D movie Filming

3D filming


3D filming


Jonas MSG

Jonas MSG

Jonas MSG

Hunter Parish sat next to me.. then moved.. it was interesting…

Honor society

Honor Society

Honor Society

Honor Society

Honor Society

Honor Society

Push Play

American Idol

American Idol

American Idol

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