Book Review: 100 Ways to Say No

While “No.” is a complete sentence, many people have trouble saying no.  (I am certainly one of them) 100 Ways to Say No teaches you techniques and ways to stop saying Yes when you mean No.  It also had little illustrations to make it a lot more fun to read.  I like how it gave you a bit more to say than no – especially in situations where you were forced to say No due to financial issues or other issues you don’t really have control over.  If your friends invited you to a destination wedding you couldn’t afford – tell them that you can’t make it – BUT offer to celebrate them in some other way after so you’re not feeling totally left out.  There was a lot of really great information in this book and I will definitely be carrying it with me through the new year to try and make sure I don’t end up with too much on my plate because I just don’t know how to let anyone down!

I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review, I was not otherwise compensated

About the Book

Do you find yourself saying yes when you really want to say no?

From the creator of the popular Instagram account Scribbles by Nicole comes this collection of funny and relatable illustrated “scenari-nos” for overcoming your inner people pleaser, setting appropriate boundaries, and getting to no.

Recognizing it’s not always easy to say no, Nicole takes readers through real-life examples familiar to anyone who has found themselves saying yes when they really didn’t want to, providing guidance on how to:

  • Say no effectively and appropriately in any situation
  • Use techniques that come naturally to make saying no as stress-free as possible
  • Fend off unwanted invitations nicely but firmly
  • Set healthy boundaries with loved ones, family, friends, and colleagues
  • Tell yourself no when you need to
  • Let go of guilt, worry, and regrets and do what’s right for you

Everyone needs healthy boundaries—let this charming book help you set them and make learning to say no much easier.

Book Review: Rock Art for Beginners

If you’re looking to start up a hobby in rock art, which has gained popularity a lot in recent years, look no further than Rock Art for Beginners which will show you simple techniques and easy projects for transforming stones into art.  My biggest question when picking up the book was how do you know what rocks to look for so I was pleased to see there was an entire chapter on selecting and prepping rocks. The designs are split up by Mandalas (these are some of my favorites!), Patterns, Animals and Nature.  Definitely a few I’d like to try making in the mix here!  Far more goes into this beyond just grabbing a rock and painting, and no wonder why these all look so amazing! The patterns are all so colorful and vibrant.

I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review, I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book

Transform ordinary stones into works of art with easy and inspirational step-by-step instructions.

Filled with creative exercisesart promptstemplates, and step-by-step projects, Rock Art for Beginners—adapted from the best-selling The Little Book of Rock Painting—encourages interactivity for immediate results, while teaching you the fundamentals in an engaging and fun way.

This beginner’s guide shows you how to gather and prepare your rocks to create masterpieces that are truly one with nature. Written and illustrated by three talented rock-painting artists, the book features a range of contemporary designs to experiment with, from patterns and animals to mandalas and dots. The instructions are easy to follow and invite creativity and originality.

Grab your colors, head outside, and start painting beautiful works of art on stones!

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