
Race Title: Turtle Bay Bolt
Distance: 24.1 Miles
Company: Yes.Fit
Charity: Max Love Project

The Turtle Bay Bolt race was a very popular one on Yes.Fit (formerly Make Yes Happen) as it was limited and closed down after the first wave of medals ran out.  They got in a second (and last) shipment and so I scooped in and signed up for the race even though I was in the middle of others. I had them set my race to start June 1 for me (which you can now do on your own since the site revamped) and it took me just over a month to finish it.  This is one of the prettiest medals I have, it’s kind of like a suncatcher and the pics really don’t do it justice! I hope they do other similarly styled medals in the future. This race had views through Hawaii.

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