Promising Promises
You Never Know
Summer is Over (feat Sara Bareilles)
The Atmosphere
What I Want
I’ll Follow You
Maybe It’s Over (feat Xenia)
If Only I
Without You Now
My Girl Tonight
These Crazy Times
Promising Promises is a bit of an interesting release from Jon McLaughlin. Late last year (September) Jon released “Forever If Ever” which was an indie release of new music. Then Jon ended up getting signed to Razor & Tie, so he pulled Forever If Ever from his online store and all retailers at the beginning of 2012. Promising Promises is a re-mastered version of Forever If Ever – except that 3 songs were removed from Forever If Ever and 3 new songs were added to Promising Promises. (There are also bonus tracks through iTunes and through an exclusive Best Buy release.)
Jon has been kind enough to offer those 3 tracks “a la carte” on iTunes for those who bought Forever If Ever and only want the new songs from Promising Promises. (Summer Is Over also now features Sara Bareilles)
The tracks now gone are: A Little Too Hard (which was one of my favorites), You Are What I’m Here For, I Brought This On Myself. The new tracks are: You Never Know, The Atmosphere & Falling.
It is a bit hard to write a review and say “upon first listen..” because upon first listen I was already in love with the majority of the album. All the songs are, in true Jon fashion, piano driven. Jon wrote every song on the album with the exception of one – that he co-wrote.
Overall – Forever If Ever was a great album, Promising Promises is a great album as well and you should definitely check it out.