This weekend… was crazy. Friday night we headed to PA which is a crazy story in and of itself (aka this post). Then Saturday we went to see Honor Society at a festival in Palmerton, PA at a Ski Resort and Sunday we went to see the Jonas Brothers play a kickball game. This post will focus on Friday…
As we were making our way to NJ for a detour, something hit the front of my car and the windshield leaving a streak right where I look out the window. Nice random bird/squirrel/whatever. Real nice. My car also hit 20,000 miles so now I have to find time to bring it in for service before Friday!
Then we thought we would be going over the GWB but instead ended up in Manhattan and then going through the Lincoln Tunnel. Have I mentioned how much I hate driving and merging? Because I do.
We made it to Hoboken, but didn’t get close enough to the train station (probably could have but I was stressing out) though we did view it from a distance from the park. Amazing view of NYC skyline.
Then we took a walk to King’s for Pears to enter USA Pears Honor Society contest. Winners get a trip for 4 to LA to hang with HS. They’ve really been pimping it out on twitter so we feel like entries aren’t as many as they would like. After some drama with Lauren’s pears ringing up for 2x what they were listed as, we walked back to the car.
I didn’t want to walk in the street with my back to the cars coming at me, so I asked Lauren if we could take an alternate route. She thought there was a sidewalk somewhere else so we walked but there wasn’t. Then she stumbled a bit. We both looked down to see what it was she slipped on – A DEAD RAT. If this was not a sign of things to come I don’t know what was. But we went back to the car and freaked out, and then took some pics near the water.
Next stop was Sonic in PA. Which had an address that my GPS could not find, so we blew past it. To turn around we took a left on to a …. street that didn’t exist. AWESOME! Made it to sonic though, and had our dinner.
Then we made it to the hotel and relaxed on our giant beds and waited for Ashley to meet us there. I felt like I didn’t sleep at all that night (I was hot, cold, hot – or as Ashley said – a Katy Perry song lol) and I remember waking up at 2am throwing pillows off the bed.
And then it was time for what was supposed to be… the greatest concert ever…