Thursday I had tickets to see a taping of the view. We had to get up super early and take a 730 train into New York City. Then we grabbed a cab to go to ABC studios. The traffic was absolutely ridiculous, before we even made it one block our cab rate went from $7 to $14. We also almost got hit by a bus while in the cab. So that was fun but managed to get to the line to the view in plenty of time and were seventh and eighth in line for the show.

We didn’t really know if Hanson was going to be on or not. I had gotten tickets based on a rumor that I heard and everything was kept really hush-hush. But, once we got into the holding room, they told us that Hansen would be there for her performance, but that it was a surprise for Alyssa, one of the host’s, birthdays. We ended up filing into the studio and the guys instruments were all set up. The warm up comedian told us that they’d be playing 3 songs, but that Alyssa thought we were doing a segment on puppy adoption.  So once she was in the area, we had to not mention anything about Hanson and we’re just kind of going,  “Oh, look at the cute puppies” and stuff like that. Then a couple of the other hosts came out and introed the segment which we had to film twice. Because apparently we were clapping too loudly. We had to bring it down from a 10 to about a 4 and then they brought Alyssa in and Hanson was there and they sang the new Penny and Me Moonlight version and then went into MMMBop and then went into where’s the love.

They did a little interview with them afterwards and everything that Taylor said ended up getting cut and didn’t make it on to TV. I also barely made it on to TV, you can see the blue of my shirt for like a split second when Alyssa walks into the room. After Hanson was done, they reset up the stage with the table and everything and then we got to see them film, most of the segments for the view.

Before we went in, we were given a tax form that said there was going to be a giveaway where at least $75, and if it ended up being worth over $600,  we would have to pay taxes on it. We ended up getting 2 tickets to the Hanson show of our choice for their upcoming tour. Which I already have all my tickets so I’m going to be bringing some friends along, I guess. When we saw the show air they had another segment that was giving away some gifts. But we didn’t end up getting those. I don’t know if that would have put us over the $600 threshold. Or why they decided to film that segment separately. We never saw them film the segment with the gifts for Alyssa’s home.

After the show was done taping, it took a bit longer than we hadn’t anticipated, we got an Uber and headed back to Grand Central. He dropped us off in front of a restaurant, so we decided might as well stop and eat, then grab some snacks from Hudson News and hopped on the train home and ended up getting home about 6 PM – the train was on the wrong side of the track, so there was a giant gap which freaked me out on the conductor had to come and help me get off the train, but I’m hoping to figure out some extra accessibility for that for the future.  I think for tour it might have to be taken the train by myself.

It had been on my bucket list since I was about 12 years old and I wanted to see Hanson perform on a TV show in person. We’d always watch these shows from home in the summer and there’d be all these fans there and I was like, Why can’t we go New York’s not that far? So I was happy to finally cross that off my list and also see my 289th Hanson show and with any luck I should be hitting 300 by the end of this year!

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