I am currently living a nightmare of dating apps so I had to laugh when I saw there was a “Choose Your Own Misery” book related to Dating. I probably shouldn’t have started it because like I said, I am living it, but I had to see if they came up with anything worse than what I have already experienced and as a kid I LOVED Choose Your Own Adventure books so I had to give it a go. I’m usually hesitant to read these in e-book forms since it’s hard to “flip” to the page that you need, but this book had hyperlinks with “swipe left for NO” and “swipe right for YES” as the way to get to the next part of your story.
My first time through I “played” as if I was myself and what I would do in all the scenarios. I had to laugh when it asked me if I was willing to expand my age range, because when I was feeling down and desperate and ran out of guys to swipe on that was *exactly* what I did. In this scenario I ended up going on a date to a fancy restaurant where my date had a heartattack and left in an ambulance, leaving me with the bill. Yikes.
My second attempt I decided to “play” as a male. That date ends in a medical emergency too.
The third go round I decided to stay as myself again, just to pick something different in the beginning to see where I’d end up instead of the fancy restaurant, I even went for a date with my self with just my Lovense Ferri. This time I end up at a gym trying to hit on a trainer, who ignores my asking to go out for drinks until he matches with me on Kindler while I’m at the gym.. standing in front of him? lol. We go out and surprise surprise it doesn’t end well (but at least not medical emergency. And what I wanted to find was what it said about the best hookup apps and sites because lets be honest thats all that we want to do nowadays. Quick and easy dating is the way of the future and we know it!)
I’m sure there are plenty more scenarios for me to play out, so I’ll let you get to finding this book and I’ll see what other trouble I can get myself into…
I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review, I was not otherwise compensated.
About the Book
The only thing worse than getting back on the dating horse? The brutal loneliness of perpetual singledom.
That’s why you’re putting in the effort to find your soul-mate…or at least someone to warm your bed for a night. Playing as one of two characters, you get to choose just how bad your dating life gets. Will you head to a high school party or hitch your wagon to a Steve Urkel impersonator? Dabble in the painfully shallow depths of sexualizing your arm wound, or up the intensity of your first date by entering an underground fight club? Try to relive the romance of Harold and Maude, but with more roofies and an ominous burial plot in Maude’s backyard?
From the writers who brought you the hilarious parodies Choose Your Own Misery: The Office and Choose Your Own Misery: The Holidays comes the oldest form of misery in the book: the self-prostitution that is dating.
When we’re young, we all believe in the possibility of lifelong romance. But let’s remember: young people are very, very stupid.