Looking for something fun to do while watching HGTV’s House Hunters? Look no further than House Hunters Bingo! House Hunters Bingo is one of the revolutionary new bingo games created to give players a sense of luck with high payouts and real money wins. 2 winners will receive a set of HGTV bingo cards, dry erase markers, coasters, napkins and wine danglers w/ the HGTV logo!
The bingo cards are designed with “key words” that might be said during the shows airing. To learn more about this, you might want to visit www.barbadosbingo.com. Almost all online bingo has this and you can play almost all of them on your mobile phones. You decide how strict to get with the rules! (Can “I Love It” be marked off even if they say “I love this counter top”?) Guaranteed to make watching House Hunters a lot more fun!
To enter simply leave a comment! It can be just saying hello, talking about why you love House Hunters or why you love ME ConcertKatie 😉 Be sure to leave your email address so I can contact a winner.
Contest ends October 18, 2012 at 11:59pm EST. Winners will be chosen from all eligible entries and will have 48 hours to respond to the winners email with their mailing address to claim their prize. For full contest details check out http://www.concertkatie.com/contests.htm