October 21, 2012

The Death of a Concert Ticket

I got emailed a link to this info graphic of “The Death of the Concert Ticket” and I found it to be quite interesting.  It seems like the ticket monopoly Ticketmaster is trying to lean towards phasing out paper tickets and lean towards ticketfast tickets.  As I’ve probably mentioned on here before – I hate these tickets.  They are way too big to comfortably fit in your purse, and even after you cut them down they are way too big to comfortably fit on your scrapbook pages!  But recently I saw that it was $5 to MAIL the concert ticket – ticketfast was free.  I opted for willcall… but I’m thinking that next they’ll be charging for that too.  Then I’ll have to decide just how much the tickets are worth to me.  Right now, not $5.  Later on down the road?  Maybe.

I have been to one “paperless” show this summer.  You can check out my details about that in my Jason Mraz review. Just type Jason Mraz in the search bar under Zac Hanson on the title bar! (Did you even know that the search function was hiding there?)

And here is the info graphic for those intereseted


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