November 7, 2011

Book Review: Accused by Janice Cantore

Accused by Janice Cantore is full of suspense.  Although it is nearly 400 pages, it was a book I just could not put down and could not read each page fast enough!  The beginning of the book talks about how the main character, Carly, was involved in a shooting and how she got moved to juvenile and she didn’t want to be there.  We find out that the mayor has been shot and one of the suspects is a juvie, who asked for Carly specifically.  Carly’s mother helps young kids get back on their feet and this was one of the kids she was involved with.

The story gets very involved very quickly with some corrupt police officers, conspiracy theories, ex husband’s, etc.  It may seem like a lot, but the sub-plots are carried through in such a way that it doesn’t disturb the main plot of who killed the mayor, and also gives you a lot of background information about Carly, her co-workers, friends and family.  This is the first book in a series so I suspect it had the extra information to introduce us to the characters, assuming that the series will continue with the same people.

Either way, this book was so well written and enjoyable, I will be reading the other 2 whenever they are released!  Accused will be released in February 2012.


About the Book

As a cop, I like to see the bad guys get what they deserve. But life just doesn’t work that way.

When a troubled youth is arrested for the murder of the mayor, Detective Carly Edwards is pulled off her boring desk job in juvenile and summoned to the crime scene.  Homicide thinks it’s a quick, open-and-shut case, but Carly, despite her initial judgment, comes to believe the young man is innocent.

Carly’s ex-husband and fellow police officer, Nick, appears to be on her side –professionally and personally.  He’s determined to show Carly that he’s a changed man and win her back, but she isn’t convinced he won’t betray her again.

As the investigation progresses, Carly suspects a cover-up and strikes out on her own, uncertain whom she can trust.  But when danger mounts, she begins to wonder if she made the right choice.

Detective Carly Edwards hates working in juvenile—where the brass put her after an officer-involved shooting—and longs to be back on patrol. So when a troubled youth, Londy Atkins, is arrested for the murder of the mayor and Carly is summoned to the crime scene, she’s eager for some action. Carly presses Londy for a confession but he swears his innocence, and despite her better judgment, Carly is inclined to believe him. Yet homicide is convinced of his guilt and is determined to convict him.

Carly’s ex-husband and fellow police officer, Nick, appears to be on her side. He’s determined to show Carly that he’s a changed man and win her back, but she isn’t convinced he won’t betray her again.

As the investigation progresses, Carly suspects a cover-up and strikes out on her own, uncertain whom she can trust. But when danger mounts, she begins to wonder if she made the right choice.


About the Author

Janice Cantore is a retired Long Beach police officer who now writes suspense novels to keep readers engrossed and leave them inspired. Her years of experience on the force lend authenticity to her stories . Accused is the first in the three-book Pacific Coast Justice series.

List Price: 12.99
Release: February 2012
Tyndale House Publishing provided me with a free Advance Reader Copy in order to write this review. All opinions are 100% mine.
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