November 27, 2011

Book Review: Why Men Hate Going to Church

Why Men Hate Going to Church is a book by David Murrow.  It talks a bit about why met dislike church, what their perceptions of church are (and why they may or may not be correct) and what might be able to be done in order to get more men at church services each week.  The thing that I found interesting was that this battle of a decline in men going to church services actually dates back as far to 1844, it is not a recent development, though perhaps it has gotten to be more of an issue in more recent years.

The next time you go to church – look around.  How many women are there versus men?  Is the ratio quite off?  The book mentions one preacher who believed that his church was even matched in men vs women.  Once the question came up – he counted.  Women outnumbered the men – 5 to 1.

Is it that men have better things to be doing on a Sunday morning than women? Or are church services just more geared towards women than men?

The book goes in to great detail about the difference between men and women when it comes to being spiritual and having a spiritual relationship.  This book was sent to me due to an error by BookSneeze, but I am quite glad I read it because it was an interesting look at the opposite sex, at least for me.  There are also plenty of graphs and research to back up a lot of the points.

About the Book

It’s Sunday morning. Where are all the men? Golfing? Playing softball? Watching the tube? Mowing the lawn? Sleeping? One place you won’t find them is in church. Less than 40 percent of adults in most churches are men, and 20 to 25 percent of married churchgoing women attend without their husbands. And why are the men who do go to church so bored? Why won’t they let God change their hearts?

David Murrow’s groundbreaking book has been completely revised and updated, with eye-opening research and a persuasive grasp on the facts, to explain the problem and offer hope and encouragement to women, pastors, and men. Why Men Hate Going to Church does not call men back to the church—it calls the church back to men.

About the Author

David Murrow is an award-winning television producer and writer based in Alaska. (You’ve probably heard of his most famous former client, Sarah Palin.) He is the director of Church for Men, an organization that helps congregations reconnect with the wold’s largest unreached people group.  The first edition of Why Men Hate Going to Church was an instant Christian best seller, with more than 100,000 copies in print.  His efforts have spawned articles in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Chicago Tribune, to name a few.  He has been featured on PBS, the NBC Nightly News, and the Fox News Channel, talking about the gender gap.  David is married with three children, two grandchildren and a dachshund named Pepper.

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