Another STEM Fairy Tale I just couldn’t wait to read. Again, STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineer and Math and I truly believe this all needs to be introduced to kids at an early age to get more of them interested in it. This time Dr. Gnome-It-All tells us a story “From Tadpole to Frog Prince”. This time we start out by learning about a fable and that our story will end with a moral. We also learn about the life cycle of a frog – hence from Tadpole to Frog Prince – a retelling of The Frog Prince, with its STEM twist.
Another really funny and informative read and I can’t wait to see what other STEM Fairy Tales there are for me to explore…
I received a free e-copy of this book from Net Galley in order to write this review, I was not otherwise compensated.
About the Book
A fresh look into the classic tale of The Frog Prince from a scientific point of view. Explains STEM concepts as they appear in the story and gives readers a new perspective on an old favorite fable. Includes a glossary and bibliography for further reading.
Dr. Gnome-It-All is host of the most popular internet show found on the World Wondrous Web—STEM Stream. In graphic-style format, he teaches his audience about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, while entertaining them with adaptations of timeless fairy tales. STEM Fairy Tales explains science concepts as they appear in the story and gives readers a new perspective on favorite fables