February 2, 2018

Book Review: Sweet Dreams Supergirl

This book is absolutely adorable and shows super girl in parallel with a little super hero fan. The book goes through when it’s time to sleep, that you should be brave each day and courageous at night. Tomorrow a hero will be needed to soar. It is a really nice story to tell little girls that they need to sleep so that the next day they can kick ass.  Share Stories. Say Goodnight. Snuggle Up. Breathe Easy. Stay Brave. Dream Big.

I really loved this book and am looking forward to sharing it with some little girls who need to know that they can be a super hero soon.

I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.

About the book

A young Supergirl fan faces her most elusive adversary — sleep! As darkness falls, a young girl attempts to catch some Z’s while DC Comics’ SUPERGIRL tracks down an enemy. With super hero traits, like BRAVERY, PATIENCE, and PERSISTENCE, they’ll both turn sleepless nights into sweet success and sweet dreams. Along with Omar Lozano’s action-packed art, bestselling author Michael Dahl (Bedtime for Batman, Good Morning, Superman and Be a Star, Wonder Woman) delivers an imaginative bedtime book for fangirls and fanboys alike.

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