The month of November is NAtional NOvel WRiting MOnth. To challenge myself, I am participating in NaNoWriMo which is a challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. Basically the goal is to write roughly 1,700 words (or more!) a night.
With work asking for me to put in extra hours – this might be a bigger challenge than it was 2 years ago when I tried to participate (and failed) but I am determined to put in a good effort. (Though this weekend I really have to get my numbers up as the weekend after that I am going to be working to make up hours I’m taking off when I get my braces put on!)
And I’m pleased to announce I won another twitter contest, this time from Ticketmaster – to be honest I wish I had won it yesterday because they were giving away lenticular michael jackson tickets – but instead I won a This Is It cd. Very cool and I am on a roll with winning twitter contests (that was my 3rd one this year)
Now if only I could bring this luck to the lottery…