Friday, I got a DM that I had won 4 tickets. I called and found out it was for Saturday at 6:30pm. Since everyone else in my family already had plans, I called my aunt and she said she would go with me instead of giving out candy to trick or treaters.
When we picked up the tickets at Will-Call they said row “AA”, which I knew was front row at this particular venue. We went to our seats and saw that they said “Circus Celebrity” on them and that these were the most expensive seats you could get! Online it had said something about the Celebrities helping to “rev up” the motors… but I had no idea what that meant.
A little ways into the first half of the show a clown came out and gave us lanyards which said that we would go down on the floor and be IN the circus and be a part of the action! At first I was hesitant, but it said we would ride a tram and my aunt wanted to do it so I agreed.
Near the end of the first act we were taken on to our little cars and driven around the action, 3 motorcycles riding around in a sphere. Then two more came out and there were 5. Then 2 more came out and there were *7*. The sphere was shaking SO much as they were riding around in there. We were out on the floor for like 20 minutes, I took video but I think its too big to post on youtube. I’ll have to see if I can split it or something and post it, because it was so cool!
The second act of the circus had tigers and elephants and.. penguins. As well as an acrobatics display which was simply amazing.
At the end of the show they let off confetti, and my purse caught a BUNCH of it for me! haha Can’t wait to add that into my scrapbook 🙂