I picked up my cousin at 11 and we made great time, getting to the Verizon store by 12:30. We hung out in the car until 1 because at first it was rainy and we didn’t want to wait the whole time. Verizon people were giving out VIP passes for various contests, but unfortunately we didn’t win any.
They also were giving out Jonas soundcheck passes and tickets to the NYC FUll Moon Crazy show. Didn’t win those either.
Around 2pm the guys showed up and slapped hands with everyone at the barricade. Then we were instructed to line up and wait to meet the guys. Of course, I was getting more and more sunburned by the second!
We finally got in, and our security friend from Boston recognized me and asked how I was doing and commented on my sunburn. “It’s from waiting for these guys! I’ve been working on it since Saturday” I said and him and Jason laughed.
Jason was first, then Alex, who had his head down but then looked up and was like “oh hey!” and then Mike and Andrew. I talked to Andrew a bit about how I was going Tuesday and Wednesday with Lauren but we probably wouldn’t get to chat on Tuesday because we had no M&G; and that Wednesday we’d hang for sure to see them and he was like “welllll.. if you want to stay after Tuesday..” and I said I didn’t think we could because Lauren had work and he seemed kind of bummed. Gotta love Andy.
We went and put our autographs in the car, and proceeded to steal the vinyl posters from around the barricades. We got 3, one for me, one for my cousin and one for Lauren. Now to figure out where in my room to hang it…
Then the guys came back out to take pics and we got right up to Alex when Andrew showed up, so we got a picture with him and then next thing we know we lost Alex. Then we tried for a pic w/ Jay but got one w/ Mike instead. And then they had to go 🙁 But, 2/4 isn’t bad considering we weren’t being all that aggressive trying to get them.
Then we picked up some McDonalds for lunch (at like 4 pm lol) and headed over to the venue! More on that later!