Then and Now : Hanson vs Jonas Brothers

I’ve been a Hanson fan since 1997, I’ve seen them close to 40 times live and the majority of my teen years were spent obsessing over them. In 2007 I started getting into the Jonas Brothers, whom I’ve now seen live 5 times. Both bands are similar in that they are brother bands and they draw in the teen crowd.

Lately I’ve been thinking about how much easier it is to be a Jonas fan now than it was to be a Hanson fan then. (And I’m not only talking about the fact that Jonas fans don’t seem to get bashed nearly as much as Hanson fans did – maybe because Jonas doesn’t have long “girl hair”)

When Hanson was first popular, we had just gotten the internet in my house. In order for me to sign on to AOL, I had to use DIAL UP. It took FOREVER and sometimes it found a super slow connection and it could easily take 10+ minutes for an image to load on a website. Now there is DSL and cable and you can load a picture of the Jonas Brothers in seconds.

MP3s were unheard of. We shared Midi (really crappy instrumental files) and WAVs of Hanson.

Message boards were not as prevalent. I met most of my Hanson fan friends on a newsgroup, (love you girls!)

I used to have to tape EVERYTHING Hanson was on. One of the first VCRs I had in my room was a ghetto hand me down that was my parents. It had no remote and it had no programming feature. If I wanted to tape it, I had to be watching it, and I had to have quick reflexes when shows came back from a commercial break if I tried to “edit” it as I went along (which I rarely did and I ended up with 6-8 hours tapes that had maybe an hour or two of Hanson, if that, on the whole tape!)

With the Jonas Brothers – I haven’t taped a thing. I don’t have to stay up past my bed time to record them on Conan. If I wanted to, I could DVR the appearance, or I could record it to a DVD instead of a VHS.

But the greatest technological advancement to come in the past 10 years or so I would have to say is YOU TUBE. I miss the performance, I get a good nights sleep, and the next morning I watch it on youtube. It’s fantastic.

With Hanson, if people uploaded performances, we’d have to actually send the files to each other. There was no youtube and there was no sendspace or large file sending sites.

I remember Hanson’s first tour, it was announced through their fanclub. Which was a MAGAZINE. That came in the MAIL. Not email, snail mail. Their very first “fan club presale” you had to call a number and say what show you wanted tickets to. I didn’t bother to call so I’m not sure how it workedout.

Now, for both bands, you log into the fanclub website and get all your presale codes and head over to (I bought my first Hanson tickets over the phone!) There’s flash intros, the sites play music (that AREN’T midis!) theres message boards, videos can be uploaded… it’s ridiculous the leaps and bounds web design had taken in the past 10-12 years.

I first got interested in HTML and web design because I wanted to make a Hanson website. I started with one on AOL’s free hosting. I also made sites on angelfire and geocities. (Now when I see people using those sites Im like WHAT?! Owning your own domain is the new ‘in’ thing) I taught myself HTML and took a couple classes in college. No one seems to code their sites just by using HTML anymore. There’s tons and tons of affordable web design programs and tons more if you’re willing to spend the money for them.

Now I use dreamweaver… but the need for a “personal site” isn’t needed as much in these days. My site had my concert reviews on it (now I have this blog!) and my photos (now there is myspace and facebook where I upload stuff) but for something fun to do in my free time I keep it. Even if the content is repeated everywhere.

I also think the advancing of the internet is what is keeping the jonas brothers relevant. From 1999-2000 Hanson fans went through what we like to call a “Hanson Drought” We posted on our newsgroup, we called the Hanson Hotline (similar to the new “Say Now”) and waited. Even if the Jonas Brothers aren’t in the spotlight or on tour (busy recording their TV show for disney) they can send out myspace blogs, fanclub emails, etc. (They also are go-go-go making albums where Hanson took the time to put out their records – another thing I think that hurt them) Jonas can also TEXT their fans – where as when Hanson was big and I was 15 I didn’t have a phone. My 15 year old cousin has a blackberry. Times are changing…

I don’t know, “comparing” the bands like this has been on my mind a lot lately.. I just feel like the Jonas fans have it a lot “easier” than us Hanson fans did. You know.. we had to walk to concerts in the snow with no shoes.. up hill both ways!! 😉

Real MagicTV

More Rock Boat stuff will be posted soon – I am just getting all my videos uploaded to YouTube and trying to figure out what to share here!

For now, check out Real Magic TV’s live 24/7 feed – and if you’re a Jason Mraz fan, be sure to check in at 9pm EST where Jonathan and the crew will be showing never before seen Mraz videos, taking requests and waiting for SNL with musical guest Jason Mraz to air!!!


Next month I am going on The Rock Boat. For a while I was torn on whether or not I should bring my laptop and finally I decided it wasn’t worth it (internet is something like $25 for an hour) but I was completely paranoid that my camera cards would all fill up and I wouldn’t know what to do! Must. Take. Photos. Must. Scrapbook. Them.

I started looking for sales and I think now that I am all set as far as memory cards go. (and I still plan on picking up a couple of disposable underwater cameras as well)

Of course now I’ll have the goal of trying to *fill* all the cards. Although, if I take a few videos at each of the shows I go to, I should have no problem! (And then I will have a lot of content to post here throughout the new year!) But either way, better to be safe than sorry and have too many cards instead of not enough!

Now I just have to make sure I won’t run out of batteries… (one camera is rechargeable and I had bought 2 replacements and then lost one! d’oh. the other takes 4AAs so hopefully if I do run out of those they will have them for sale somewhere on the ship… though probably for a hefty price)

Dear Donnie Klang…

I don’t live in Canada! L.O.L.

Somehow Donnie Klang’s people got my email address (I’m assuming from Backstreet Boys fanclub) and decided to tell me that he was opening for BSB this weekend.

The email worked, as I went to his website. Only to find out that he seems to think he is playing somewhere in Wallington, Ontario and not Wallingford, CT – oops?

Row K and Jonas 3d Movie

I’ve finally gotten word from the Backstreet Boys that my seats are in Row K. I think that is 9th row because if I remember correctly, the section they are in starts with C. But at the most, it’s 11 rows back which is not bad at all. Significantly closer than our 2001 show – so I’ll take it!

Jonas Brothers have named their 3D movie:

Not sure if I’m feeling the name, it’s kind of blah. But no matter what it’s called I’ll be seeing it, since I very well might be in it!

Fan Club Tickets

I’m a member of several fanclubs. I find the $20-$40 yearly membership fee to be worth it if it means being that much closer at the concerts. (But get me to join and then not add any dates near me and I won’t renew and might not go see you ever again – I’m talking to you, Maroon 5)

When Backstreet Boys released their tour dates, I knew I wanted to be close. I had decent seats when I saw them in 2001 or whenever the heck that was, but since we had gotten snowed out of their show last year I felt I owed it to Lisa and myself to get good seats for their upcoming show here.

Except… their fanclub doesn’t tell you where your seats are ahead of time! They simply tell you what sections they are in. The sections mentioned were the first 3 sections in front of the stage, so I figured I’d risk it (plus I had already paid the membership fee so I didn’t want it to go to waste since the NSYNC fan in me definitely was feeling shocked and betrayed)

The seats only go back about 30 rows in those sections, which isn’t bad. It would definitely be closer than we were in last December – because we will actually be IN the theater.

Now I am just waiting for the damn things to come in the mail so I can find out where the seats are. It’s kind of like waiting for Christmas, except the gifts aren’t hidden somewhere and you can’t go sneak a peak. They have to show up in the mail first. Sigh.

In related news, the tickets I have for NKOTB are High Roller seats, which I imagine will be decent much like Fan Club seats are.

And I’m too exhausted to drive the MA to see Hanson this weekend so I’m probably selling my ticket or just not going at all. Zac’s birthday show will be good enough for me.


Welcome to my concert blog! On this blog I hope to post concert reviews as well as my scrapbook pages. I will try to get a backlog of 2008 posted, not so sure about the past 10 years worth of concerts I’ve attended, but we will see!!

I hope to be adding lots of content here, as I keep track of LOTS of random stats for my concerts. How many I’ve attended, how many different artists I’ve seen live, $$ spent, miles driven, etc. I’ll try to get all of that added in the sidebar soon so you can track it all as well.

I’ll try to get an archive somewhere for a list of all the concerts I’ve gone to as well as all the artists I’ve seen. It’s a lot!

If you can’t wait for that – head on over to My Concert Page and check it out.

Also – my scrapbook photo album can be found at Flickr I hope to get a back log posted there and in the future post things directly to the blog… I have high hopes so we’ll see how much I accomplish.

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