Sunday Post

I finally figured out what I am going to do on Sundays!  The Sunday Post.  Where I post a cool, most likely music related (or equally cool and fun) postcard.  I used to have a postcard blog where I’d post a postcard every day, but over the past year or so I have stopped sending / collecting postcards as much as I used to.  While I do intend to start back up again I’m not sure I will continue with the postcard blog or not – but either way there will be something featured here every Sunday, whether it be a new card or an old one from the old blog archives.

amywinehouseWe kick off Sunday post with a card of Amy Winehouse in Miami Florida May 18, 2007.


A postcard adventure

For a couple days now I’ve been trying to come up with some blog ideas, without having much luck (aside from some scrapbook posts).  Then the mail came.

There was an envelope addressed to me, and I was a bit confused because usually I know if I am expecting mail and I wasn’t.  When I opened it, there was a note inside:

This card found the way to my mail box in New Hope, PA. I am sending it to the address on the card in hopes that it will find the person it was intended for (perhaps the post office will do better this time).  As I plan to travel to China during the last part of June, I was captivated by the stamps; particularly the Chinese Sturgeon.  It looks very formidable in the picture, but is unfortunately an endangered species with small numbers left in the Yangtze River.

The post card was completely addressed properly to me, though there was a postmark stamped over the numbers to my address. (But if you look, you can see them, obviously since the envelope from PA was addressed properly too)  How the card ended up in PA instead of CT, I’ll never know – but I guess I got myself something to write about!

Postcrossing – Stamps!

The whole point of using postcrossing is to get postcards from around the world.  But what you also get are some interesting stamps!  I have to say that my favorite country (so far) to get stamps from has to be Finland!  The first postcard I got had a stamp of a fairy and the wings actually had glitter on them! (I can’t remember if I posted that here or not)

More recently I got a stamp that was a carrot. Except it wasn’t just any carrot, it had a hat, sunglasses, a mouth and shoes on!  It appeared like the features were stickers that were added to the carrot, but I wasn’t sure.  Then a couple days ago I got another vegetable stamp. It was broccoli and it had glasses and a mouth! 

I decided to look up the stamps and see if I could find anything.  Sure enough I did – the vegetable stamps are part of a 2010 stamps series released in March and designed by Nina Rintala.  They are called “Funny Vegetables” and come as a set of 8 with a booklet of accessories!  The vegetables appear to be a tomato, onions, pumpkin, cucumber, eggplant, carrot, broccoli or a potato!  It looks like I have a few more to try and “collect”.

I wish that the USA had more variety of stamps for postcards! Right now to send a postcard to someone else in the US, the stamps have polar bears on them. (Cute, but I’d like more variety!) and to send a postcard overseas there is an image of Grand Teton National Park.  I’m going to have to see if there are combinations of postage that come out to be $.98 or $.28 that are a bit more interesting, just to mix things up a bit.  Some postcards I have gotten have been half covered in stamps, which is cool. (We do have more of a variety with our letter stamps, I guess because it is more popular to send a letter than a postcard)

I will try to continue to share interesting stamps I might find! And thanks to Lotta and Supa for sending me these cool vegetable stamps!


If you follow my public twitter (@KatieSociety) you might have seen tweets such as:

Writing a #postcrossing postcard to Germany through

I’m not sure how I first stumbled upon the site, but I have been collecting postcards since I was a kid (lately they get stuck in scrapbooks) and on top of that – I love travel and getting mail. And if I can’t visit around the world, why not do the next best thing and send and receive postcards from all over?

You are allowed to have up to 5 postcards traveling at a time. Right now I have cards on their way to Germany, Netherlands, Lithuania, Maine and California.

I have received cards from Italy, Ohio and California.

The concept is simple – you send a card to a random person and you receive a random card back. The more you end up sending, the more you can have traveling at a time.  Shown is my first card I received from Italy.  I loved the way this person wrote! (I have an odd fascination with how people make “K”s so don’t be surprised if I end up having a collage of my name from postcards in the future)

I’ve been warned this new hobby can get expensive.  The postcards I’ve found at Hallmark cost me $0.35.  To send a postcard Internationally I’ve found it is $0.98, within the states it is $0.28.  But so far I am having a lot of fun with it – and I can put my account on hold at any time!

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