Book Review: Doable
DOABLE is a book about habits and human behavior. It breaks apart human nature and things that you can do to help change your bad habits and decisions that you make in life. I always want to make a change but feel too overwhelmed with what I have to do to make it happen. DOABLE helps break it down a bit.
The book states that people are faced with 35000 decisions a day. 225 about food alone. (I think I probably make even more food related decisions, but I digress.) Throughout the book are a lot of different stories from the author and a lot of really great quotes that are relevant to each chapter of the book. Each chapter ends with a chapter summary, so if you want to quickly reference any section again at a later date you can quickly figure out which topics were covered.
I will admit I have a lot of bad habits – the book breaks this down as:
Simply put, a habit formed
You saw it
You liked it
You wanted it
You got it
Habits can be formed that are both good and bad. Picking up a snack every morning with your coffee may end up a bad habit because you’ll gain weight from it.
Some advice from the book that stuck with me? “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed” – Admiral William H McCraven I never make my bed. Maybe it’s time to start. Other advice? Do I love it? Is it useful? I may have to put that to good use and make it a habit when deciding what to buy and what not to. As well as what to keep and what not to during my next cleaning/purge.
“Today is today, not tomorrow. Like the decisive moment, this moment is now, then gone forever. Did you use it wisely?”
If you’re looking to make changes in your life but aren’t sure where to start – one decision you should make in your day is to read this book.
I received a free copy of this book from Reedsy Discovery in order to complete this review.
About the Book
Through witty, inspiring stories, combined with decades of cutting-edge research, DOABLE takes you on an adventure to explore what motivates all human behavior, the pitfalls that will trip you up, and the elements crucial to your success and happiness.
Whether it’s to change your waistline or to change the world, DOABLE delivers bite-sized practical advice that will transform your life. This book is an entertaining one-stop-shop for inspiration and life-improvement made simple, relevant and doable.