Most expensive show:
Other than BTTI – Backstreet Boys in Vegas
Least (not free) expensive show:
Hanson’s Storytellers show in Tulsa at $30
Free shows:
O-Town, The Last Bandoleros, Ruben Studdard, Hanson, The Hop Jam, 5SOS, Jon McLaughlin
# artists seen: 53
# unique artists seen: 8
# shows seen in CT: 18
# of shows out of state: 20
Show farthest away: BSB in Vegas
Closest show: O-Town and David Archuleta in Fairfield
$$ spent on tickets: $4,666
Miles traveled: 13,872.5
Top 6 shows of the year?
Total number of shows in 2018? 38
First show of the year? Hanson in Jamaica
First show with actual tickets: Walk the Moon
Last show of the year? Stephen Kellogg
Most surprising show? Evanescence and Lindsey Stirling w/ a orchestra
Most disappointing? I didn’t really have any bummers of shows this year
Farthest traveled? Las Vegas for BSB’s residency
States attended shows in? Jamaica, CT, NV, FL, OK, NY, PA, CO, MA, GA, TN, MA, VA
Venue most visited? Probably the Wolf Den at Mohegan Sun
Band seen the most? Hanson at 16 times.
Best new discovery? The Last Bandoleros
Bands seen this year that also broke up this year? I don’t think any.
Friends made at shows? Maybe? I’m a little anti-social lol
Band members met? Hanson, O-Town, The Last Bandoleros, Andy Grammer, Tyler Hilton, David Cook, 98 Degrees, David Archuleta, Jon McLaughlin
Best souvenir from a show? My life after Hanson in VA
Longest time in line? Probably for O-Town VIP in Fairfield. Didn’t wait too much for anything else. Most were seated.
Shows seen from the barricade [front row]– Hanson BTTI, O-Town Fairfield, Hanson in Nashville, Hanson in Denver (kind of)
Most shows in one month?
January – 4
February – 1
March – 5
April – 1
May – 4
June – 1
July – 2
August – 3
September – 3
October – 4
November – 5
December – 5
Looks like a 3 way tie with 5 shows in March, November and December. (No wonder I have been so tired lately)
Most shows in one week? November 10/11/13/16
Biggest crowd? Probably The Hop Jam in Tulsa. Or one of the Arena shows.
Any drunk encounters? None that are standing out to me!