Python is something that a lot of my coworkers would talk about coding in but one that I had little experience in, unlike the people from massive IT companies like Computerease Naperville, who survive on Python coding.  When I saw there was a book to review that would teach me some basic coding in python I opted to check it out to see if it could give me a crash course that I could use as the foundation to build upon to learn more.  I love the way this book was laid out with pictures and icons and images throughout as well as text, making it seem a lot more fun and a lot less like some of the boring how-to books I have read in the past.  If you have coded before, some of the earlier chapters may just be a refresher for you, but if you’ve never coded before I think that they provide a really nice basic overview to coding.  I just quickly went through this book in order to review it, but this is a book that I can see myself going back to reference and trying out the code in it until I end up catching on the the syntax and everything with python and how it works.

I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review, I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book



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