Book Review: Clay Lab for Kids
Clay Lab for Kids is a book that includes 52 projects to make, model and mold. The clay used in the book are air dry polymer and homemade clay. Unit 1 is all about creating with kids and clay. Unit 2 is Air Dry clay and learning the basics. Unit 3 is Clay sculpture. Unit 4, polymer clay and learning the basics. Unit 5 is polymer clay sculptures and 6 is making your own clay. For each project there is a list of supplies and a lot of info on the differences between the types of clay. There are some simple projects using textures to get used to using the clay, ways to add color to the clay and a lot of really cool projects throughout like fairy doors and colorful polymer clay animals. Clay is definitely something that I want to try to work with more in the near future so this book really gave me a lot of information that will eventually come in handy!
I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review, I was not otherwise compensated.
About the book
Clay Lab for Kids, a new addition to Quarry’s Lab series, focuses on kid-friendly clays–air-dry, homemade, and polymer–that are safe and easy to use at home or in the classroom; no kiln required.
Nashville art teacher Cassie Stephens makes clay a focus of her classes with amazing results. In Clay Lab for Kids, she continues her creative explorations with 52 hands-on projects ranging from 2-D monster magnets and coats of arms, to 3-D bobble-head dolls, Day of the Dead skulls, animal friends, marionettes, and treasure boxes.
In creating with clay, kids are introduced to a wide range of cognitive and manual skills: they’ll work three-dimensionally; make figurative models; use their imaginations in making jewelry and toys; design with color; and decorate with paints.