June 10, 2016

Book Review: 21 Myths (Even Good) Girls Believe about Sex

21myhsAdd another one to the “Did Not Finish” pile.  I guess I should have realized when this was categorized as “Christian” that it probably wasn’t going to be something that I was interested in.  One of the myths is “I plan my pregnancies” and the truth is “God controls the womb” and another “anything outside of god’s best for you hurts”.  I have no problem with people who do believe this, but I don’t, so I honestly didn’t bother going beyond the table of contents with this one.

I received an e-copy of this book in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book

21 Myths (Even Good) Girls Believe about Sex uncovers the most believed untruths girls have about dating and sex. With honest, straight-forward language Jennifer Strickland shares the myths, the truths, and the practical ways you can enjoy the pursuit of passion and purity.

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