This season has flown by. Finale in 2 weeks!? (It’s also a shortened season) Sad. Last week I said I expected for Sonika to go home, and that is just who went home this week. Now that we are down to a Top 4 of Trent, LaPorsha, MacKenzie and Dalton, it is getting tougher and tougher to decide who will be going home next week. 3/4 of my favorites are still in the competition and I think I’ve finally turned a corner and will admit that I do like MacKenzie and have gotten over the fact that he was on The Voice.
Each of the Top 4 had 2 songs to sing – a classic rock song and a Sia song. I ended up watching this episode twice because my reactions seemed to be so different from the judges after the first pass, but I have to say that I think Dalton absolutely KILLED IT this week and I will be absolutely devastated if he is going home. I’ve been saying that I think there will be a shocking LaPorsha elimination and this is probably the week for that. I read an article with Kris Allen that said that he didn’t think LaPorsha would win and that those who are consistently good don’t win but the ones who have grown the most do. If not a shocking LaPorsha elimination, it may be MacKenzie’s time to go.
Classic Rock Songs
LaPorsha – Wanted Dead or Alive – I like that this was a completely unexpected choice for her (suck it, Borchetta) And she still killed it
MacKenzie – I Want You To Want Me – I actually really liked this and didn’t think I was going to. (he’s no Zac Hanson tho)
Trent – Sharp Dressed Man – This one fell flat for me. I’m like the opposite of everyone else tonight
Dalton – God Only Knows – Loved this. Kind of weird to hear it as 1 person and not harmonies though!
Sia Songs
LaPorsha – Elastic Heart – Good. But I think next week will be her shocking elimination. another one bites the dust, its hard to lose the chosen one. (Did she predict her own fate with the song? I used to have a theory that whoever sang about going home went home, which actually seemed to be accurate more often than not)
MacKenzie – Titanium – Not really a fan of that version of the song.
Trent – Chandelier – I’m not sure I like this slowed down version. It’s almost a lullaby.
Dalton – Bird Set Free – I haven’t heard this song before but I loved it! Perfect song for Dalton. So freaking good. I just want to listen to it over and over again! (Why isn’t it on iTunes!?)