Site Changes!
Just wanted to post about a few changes with the site – nothing too major!
If you visit the site often, you might have already noticed the first change – which is I removed Zac Hanson from the header and replaced it with a photo of me and my pal Coco that I met in Mexico! I’m in love with the photos that I got with Coco so I’ve been obsessed with using them everywhere.
I’m also currently working on adding some new categories to the site – specifically under the “Concert” category. Since I’ve been to so many concerts, if you’re looking for specific reviews and look under that category it’s going to take you quite some time to find what you are looking for. So I am adding categories for artists I have seen 5 or more times and will slowly go through adding the category to the relevant posts. These will also be linked off of my “Artists Seen” page so you can easily check out all my posts about those artists!
I may consider adding even more categories for artists I’ve seen less often in time, I guess it all depends on how quick and easy this first phase of the update goes. 🙂