September 24, 2014



After having a couple of hard drives crash on me and a couple of external hard drives crash on me, I decided it was time to do some sort of online backup to the cloud.  For my birthday, I bought myself a subscription to Carbonite.

Just install and let us do the rest! Your files are backed up automatically and continually, as long as you’re connected to the Internet.

Encrypted copies of your files are transmitted to one of our state-of-the-art data centers, safe from computer glitches, hurricanes and everything in between.

With the cloud, your files go where you go, so you can access them anytime, anywhere. Airports, libraries, coffee shops – you name it.

Make the most of your subscription by downloading our Sync & Share app, exclusively for our customers.

If disaster (or spilled coffee) strikes, you can recover files from the cloud, in just a few clicks.

Carbonite’s designed to be easy, but if you ever get stuck our U.S.-based customer support team is ready to help.


I installed the Carbonite software and had to let my computer send all the files to backup to the cloud. Carbonite says it could take 2-3 days for everything to be backed up – in my case it took a WEEK.  (In my defense, this was before we upgraded our router to get a better internet connection so things were a bit s-l-o-w.)  It could not have been easier. It went in the background while I did whatever it is I do all day on this computer 😉  Now, it automatically updates things as the files on my computer change.

I’m hoping I’ll never need the backup, but it certainly gives me piece of mind knowing that my stuff is safe even in the event of a hard drive and external drive crash.


(I purchased a Carbonite subscription for myself after researching various companies. I was not asked to write this post but I thought that it had information that could be valuable to my readers. And I needed a Whatever Wednesday topic.)ca

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