Throwback Thursday: Hanson at Oakdale
For August I’m going to take a break from my regular throwback concert posts and do a throwback to the time I followed Hanson around on tour for a week – with shows in the US and Canada. It was 10 years ago starting on August 17th, so I figured it would be appropriate to make myself feel super old and see how much of the trip I could remember. (Honestly, the amount of memories that came back looking at the photos was amazing!)
Show #1 started our tour in Connecticut. It was by pure coincidence that it started in my home state – we had decided we’d do the Canada shows and “whatever came before it” but all the dates didn’t come out at once (I guess?) so we were pretty excited that it started in CT. (Although the friend I went with, Erin, was living in VA at the time.)
For this show I was chosen as reporter – which means unfortunately I have no photos of the show I can share as they were all taken for Hanson’s website. I do have my M&G picture with the band after I got the chance to interview them though!
This tour Hanson was VERY strict about cameras so I don’t have any actual concert shots to share from any of the shows – but I hope that some of the sightseeing, etc that I will post will be just as fun to look at 🙂
I spent before the show backstage, where I got to take the M&G photos for the winners and then Zac instructed me to follow him where I went into another room just me and the 3 guys for our interview. I was told to prepare 3-7 questions, so I prepared 7 and wrote them in order from what I most wanted answered to least, just incase we couldn’t get to all 7. I started off with a silly one to try and break the ice. This was probably one of the coolest experiences of my life. We made it through all 7 questions but my note taking was in horrible handwriting. (The notebook I used is still floating around – I wish I knew where it was exactly to scan a couple of pages! I’d never be able to read it now!) When I made it back in to the venue to meet up with my friends I immediately started writing everything over again while it was fresh in my mind! Of course now they record the interviews and post them on their website. Ah the advances of technology in the last 10 years 😉
For the first 3 songs I got to go up front with my photo pass and take photos. After that I was afraid to take more, even though my pass said “all night” because the security was being SUPER strict and I didn’t want to get kicked out even though it probably would have been ok once they saw my pass.
I really don’t remember much else from this show specifically as standing out. (For fun – this was Hanson show # 15 – I am now at #99!)
Long Way to the Top
Dancing In the Wind
A Minute without You
Strong Enough to Break
Every Word I Say
Look At You
The Walk – Zac Solo
Being Me – Isaac Solo
This Time Around
Gimme Some Lovin’
Get Up & Go
Where’s the Love
Crazy Beautiful
Penny & Me
If Only
In The City
Lost Without Each Other