The 50 Greatest Red Sox Games is by Cecelia Tan and Bill Nowlin and chronicles what they find to be the 50 Greatest Red Sox Games. (Spoiler – they actually include a 51st bonus game). Each game has its own chapter and are listed through in date order from when they occurred – starting in 1903 and ending in 2004/2008. (Depending on if you are counting 50 or 51). I like that these go chronologically instead of trying to “rank” the games from worst to best to best-est because that would have probably been a ridiculous undertaking.
There are a variety of teams represented throughout the games – but I can’t help but notice it seemed like more were New York. I didn’t actually count them out to see if this was the case – but I guess it is to be expected since they have been their biggest rivals for so long and have had quite a few major games against them – both past and present.
The book is almost 400 pages with an introduction from each of the authors as well as a preface for the 2013 edition. Each write up varies from about 3-5 pages. And if you are looking for something specific, the table of contents is great and in addition to just listing the date of the game and team involved it also has a sentence re-cap of the game, ie. – “In which a pitcher allows three hits and tallies three of his own” so if you have a general idea of a game you are looking for but don’t know the date – you can probably find it.
I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.
About the Book
Every Red Sox fan cherishes memories of great games that will never be forgotten, and wonders what it would have been like to be in the park for other outstanding moments from the team’s checkered past. Were you there when Roger Clemens notched his first 20-strikeout game? Where were you on that incredible day–October 27, 2004–when the curse was shattered?
Covering the history of the Boston Red Sox, The 50 Greatest Red Sox Games lets you relive the very best (and worst) moments dating back to 1903. From history-making plays to historic achievements, Cecilia Tan and Bill Nowlin recreate the suspense, excitement, and drama of every game on the list. Drawing on in-depth research, personal player interviews, and newspaper and magazine accounts of the day, they recreate the action on the field and the history surrounding it.