Freelance Writing Guide: What To Expect In Your First Year as a Freelance Writer is full of everything you need to know to become successful at freelance writing. The book isn’t that long, only 60 or so pages, but it is chock full of so much great information! I’ve always wanted to be a writer and aside from this blog, I’m never really sure how to go about getting my work out there. Now I know where I should be looking and what I should be doing to put together a portfolio and to get started looking for opportunities. I also know I need to be patient and to expect rejections. And there’s even a list of courses that you can take to help better your writing skills. Considering I am still working on some computer classes, I’ll have to get my act together and finish those first – then I’ll look in to some writing related ones!
If you are even the slightest bit interested in being a freelance writer, be sure to check out this book. It will definitely get you prepared to figure out if it is something you definitely want to pursue or not. I am looking forward to the next book – what to expect in your second year as a freelance writer!
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About the Book
Freelance Writing Guide: What to Expect in Your First Year as a Freelance Writer is a resourceful book that informs readers what they can expect during the first year of a freelance writing career. The information is presented honestly and directly, covering everything the author experienced in her first year as a freelance writer in an informational and insightful manner.