Animated Life is a look at Animation and some Disney history written by a guy who observed it all firsthand.  I love Disney and my brother went to school for Animation so that is why I was drawn (ha) to this book. The book also has a lot of neat pictures which I always love because it adds to the story – but it’s also less words for me to read. (i kid, i kid)

This book is a really fun and different perspective into Disney and animation and the sketches throughout the book are really neat too.  It is full of great stories and information on other great animators that Floyd worked with throughout his career.

The second part of the book talks a bit about Tips, Techniques and Animated Observations.  This is an area of the book where Floyd talks a bit about what he learned and gives those who might be interested in becoming an Animator a bit of perspective on things that they can do to better themselves and things that Floyd learned while on the job.  There’s a bit of an interview with him as well with some questions that you may have for him that I think gave a lot of insight to the field.

If you love Disney Animation or are just interested in Animation in general, then I think you should check out this book.

I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review. I was not otherwise compensated.

About the Book

Since Steamboat Mickey, animators have been creating characters and films that are charming, warm and humorous, allowing people to connect with the animated medium. Animation fans love the characters for a lifetime. This is the legacy of the countless animators and artists who created the classic characters and fun stories, and it is the legacy of Disney Legend, Floyd Norman. Written with wit and verve, Animated Life is a guided tour through an entire lifetime of techniques, practical hands-on advice and insight into an entire industry. This is a vital tutorial in animation’s past, present and future for students who are now poised to be part of another new generation in the art form. Apply artistic magic to your own projects and garner valuable insight and inspiration from a True Disney legend. Animated Life is a classic in the making with completely relevant techniques and tools for the contemporary animation or fine arts professional.

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