Every now and then inspiration hits while I am at a concert for what I will do with that scrapbook layout. For some reason, when I got back from Bamboozle I knew that I had to make the layout a beach ball.
The pictures were kept aside for quite some time while I figured out how to make a beachball. I got out my Martha Stewart circle cutter and was oh so careful adjusting it so that I wouldn’t slice my finger open like I had done the last time I used it. No such luck, cut my finger open again. (The blades are WAY to sharp and it is not easy to change the size of the circle or remove the blade before adjusting. Really poor design.)
Then I cut 5 circles (after I put on a bandaid – of course!) and had my brother free hand on one of them 5 parts because I couldn’t figure out how to do it, and I used that as a template to cut each of the pieces from each color. The circle in the middle was cut from a circle punch – much less dangerous – but it is not quite the size I wanted for proportion. But, I didn’t cut another finger in the process so that was a plus.
You’ll have to wait a couple days to see the finished product (I hope to have a 2nd 2012 scrapbook post up then!) although technically it is still not quite finished because the “ticket” was a cloth wristband and I still haven’t been able to remove the plastic connector to make it flat enough to attach and fit in a book. Someday!
This was a fun project but I wouldn’t recommend using the Martha Stewart cutter unless you have adult supervision (One of these days I’ll figure out how to use it properly – I was so excited when I saw it on Oprah I ran out and got it the next day – but have only used it a couple of times because I keep slicing fingers!)