Tuesday night Country 92.5 took over the Cadillac Ranch in Southington, CT for their annual “Concert For Kids”. All the proceeds would go to St. Jude’s. Tickets were $35 and posters were $25. A purchase of a poster meant that you got to meet all the acts after the show.
Performing were Courtney Drummey (a local CT talent), Casey James, Gloriana, Lee Brice, Neal McCoy and Uncle Kracker. Courtney opened the show with a 4 song set.
Then it was the interesting part, at least for me. Apparently the set up of “guitar pull” is pretty popular in the country community – but since I woudn’t call myself a country fan I’d never heard of it. All the performers are on stage at the same time so they can interact with each other, play with each other, etc. It also leaves more time for the show and less for set up, since as soon as one act ends the next can start up. The order was Casey, Gloriana, Lee, Neal and then Uncle Kracker. Each sang 4 songs which took about 2 hours. Then at the end they all jammed together for a few songs.
I really wasn’t sure what to expect, but it ended up being a really great show and a lot of fun! I especially liked at the end when they were all performing together they sang “hey jude” but instead of saying “hey” they said “st” for St Jude’s, since that’s what it was the fundraiser for. Really cool.
Once the show ended, we waited about half an hour for all the acts to come out for t signing. Casey was first so I told him he was the reason I was there and that I was a fan from Idol. He told me his CD is coming out March 20th and I told him that I already had it preordered through Walmart. He seemed surprised and said I was the first person who told him that! I said quick hellos to the other acts as the line started moving at that point (perfect timing that I was “stuck” in front of Casey though so we got to chat a bit longer) and made my way home. It was so great to meet Casey, I only wish I could have gotten a photo with him – but hopefully he’ll be back promoting the album!
Pictures are going to have to be posted a bit later – I did a really bad job scheduling posts this week! I was in Albany last night and got home and went right to bed – no time to post photos even though I had them uploaded. (Can’t sneak it from work at lunch because I upload to Facebook and that is blocked!) Hopefully this weekend (at the latest!) I’ll have some posted.
Setlist under the cut – but I can’t remember for the life of me what Lee’s first song was! I think I’ve got everything else figured out though 🙂
Courtney Drummey –
Find My Way
Look at Her
Free Fallin
Casey- The Good Life
Gloriana – Wild at Heart
Lee – ?
Neal – The Shake
Uncle Kracker – Drift Away
Casey – Let’s Don’t Call It A Night
Gloriana – Wanna Take You Home
Lee – A Woman Like You
Neal – Judge a Man by the Woman
Uncle Kracker – Follow Me
Casey – Why Am I Feeling Blue
Gloriana – Kissed You Goodnight
Lee – I Drove Your Truck
Neal – (Band sang Forget You / You and I) Billy’s Got His Beer Goggles On
Uncle Kracker – My Hometown
Casey – Drive
Gloriana – Carolina Rose
Lee – Love Like Crazy
Neal – Wink
Uncle Kracker -Smile
Can’t You See (Marshall Tucker Band)
Paradise City (Guns N Roses)
Hey Jude (Beatles)