September 7, 2011

Adding Favicons to Blogger Blogs

A while back I posted about adding favicons to wordpress and blogger blogs, which resulted in messing with a little bit of coding. I am now here to show you how blogger has changed how to add favicons to you blog and it could not be easier!

First you will need to choose what sort of icon you want as your favicon. Save this image as 100kb in size or less, or blogger will not let you upload it.

Go to the design page of your blog, and you should see the favicon tab right above your Page Element.  For my blogger blog,, I chose to use the band’s medallion logo as the favicon.

Click the Edit link and the configure page will pop up.  Since my favicon was already added, I have the option to remove it and upload something new.  All you need to do is choose the file from your computer and ta-da! Once it is uploaded you will have a favicon!
Like I said, it really couldn’t be easier to add one to your blogger blog 🙂

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