July 12, 2011

Platinum Hit – Episode 6

I thought Platinum Hit changed days/times due to the holiday on Monday, but apparently I missed the announcement that beginning July 8 it is now on Fridays at 8pm. Fortunately, my DVR was paying attention and recorded the episode for me 🙂

7 songwriters remain.  Sonyae has immunity.  They meet at the 3rd Street Promenade and are told by Kara they are going to write about risk… and perform the hook AT the promenade!  The 3 songwriters who end up with the most money from performing will win the challenge!

It was interesting to see the plans that each of the contestants had to try and get the passer-bys to give them money.  Nick was swearing at people and I am thinking that didn’t really go over well with people.  I know I wouldn’t give someone money who was begging/swearing for it no matter how good they were…

3rd place went to Jes with 14% of the money, 2nd place was Johnny with 27% of the money and the winner was Jackie with 43% of the total!

Jackie chose Scotty, Johnny chose Brian, Jes had to chose between Sonyae and Nick and went with Nick due to Sonyae’s immunity.  Scotty convinced Jackie to take Sonyae because she is great lyrically.

Then came an extra challenge – the song had to be written for a different genre than intended.  Jackie went with country, Johnny chose reggae and Jes took pop.

This weeks guest judge was Bonnie McKee who helped write Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream and California Gurls.

During Jes’ song they showed Johnny bopping along smiling, and then during Johnny’s song they edited Jes in watching it.  Gag me.

Johnny and Jackie’s teams were singled out to the stage and we found out that Johnny’s song won. (I would have to say, of the 3 that is the one I would be most likely to buy / listen to)  Of the other two songs, they had trouble trying to decide which was the worst – but ultimately decided it was Jackie’s.

Since Sonyae had immunity – Jackie or Scotty would be going home.

I am glad with who they picked. While she consistently seemed to win hook challenges, she was almost always in the bottom.  While I was rooting for her since I knew her from Idol, she definitely deserved to go over Scotty (another one I am rooting for)

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