Idol Thoughts
Our top 3 went home to perform for their hometowns after the show last week. We got to see a little bit of it… Haley spent most of her time home in a car… while Scotty and Lauren had huge crowds chanting their names. Each contestant sang 3 songs – their choice, judges choice and Jimmy’s choice. Randy name dropped (what else is new). The first round was the contestants choice and I have to say that Haley won Round 1.
Haley had mentioned to Beyonce she was trying to have her dad play with her and was waiting for it to be ok’ed – and they did end up letting her Dad play with her. (How could they NOT when they had all those people come in for James’ performances?)
Round 2 songs were chosen by Jimmy Iovine. I don’t like Jimmy and I wasn’t really a fan of his choices. I think Round 2 was a tie between Lauren and Haley.
After Round 2 we find out why Beyonce offered to mentor the singers – so she could premiere her new music video!
Round 3 was the judges picks. I think Haley won Round 3 too.. but apparently I am in the minority with thinking that Haley is actually GOOD! Now I don’t think the other 2 are bad… I am just not a country fan and Scotty bores me – he doesn’t take any risks. The biggest surprise from him this week was that he played the guitar! He had the perfect opportunity to show his range and hit some high notes and all that.. and he did not.
I feel like Haley is going tobe the one to go home this week, though I would prefer for it to be either of the other 2 instead… but I think Scotty has too big of a fanbase to not win the entire thing :/