Today I was prepared to take the plunge and move my blog from blogger to wordpress. I have a new layout, I have several print out of instructions and I was ready to tackle everything. Until I went to install wordpress on my hosting plan and it told me “Invalid Domain” D’oh!I put in a support ticket and my hosts are talking to the administrators there to see what is going on. I am not sure how long it will take for this issue to be resolved, so it looks like I will be sticking around here at blogger for at least a little bit longer! Things may change without warning though now that the process has started so if you see anything strange going on, don’t be alarmed it is just the moving process. 🙂 (P.S The Space Race Kids giveaway end date was chosen with a day of buffer time for when the blog was down during the move. If the move ends up taking more than 1 day, the end date will be modified accordingly)