Songs of Elton John was this week’s theme on Idol. I think most of the performances were safe, mediocre, nothing really stood out to me as being amazing. James tried to be amazing, but his running around made his vocals fall short. I’m not sure anyone can sing and run around like he was (unless of course, they are lip syncing. Then it’s not so hard!) I just don’t understand how if they have these producers backing them, they are not coming out swinging every week. (Yet other contestants who had to re-work songs on their own like David Cook and Kris Allen did it flawlessly. Ok, maybe I’m a little biased. But still)
I was incredibly disappointed in Pia. I really want her to go far in the competition but her song choice really bothered me! First, she is singing another ballad. Pia, we KNOW you can sing ballads! Mix it up a bit so we can see what else you are capable of! Second, she chose probably THE most over done song in Idol History. I swear it has been done nearly every season! Let’s just break down how many times this song has been done on Idol (thanks to, my new fave Idol database site!)
Season 1 – Justin Guarini
Season 2 – Clay Aiken
Season 3 – Jasmine Trias
Season 4 – Bo Bice
Season 7 – David Archuleta
Season 8 – Jorge Nunez
Season 10 – Pia!
Dial Idol has those in danger of being in the bottom 3 as James, Naima, Lauren, Thia, Paul and Stefano. I have to say I think my bottom 3 would be Naima, Paul and Thia. I love Thia’s voice, but she doesn’t wow me. I don’t know if it is because she is young or because she is picking the wrong songs or what. And once again the raw numbers tell a different story with Jacob on the bottom with Naima, Thia and Paul. But again – I continue to look at DialIdol even though I know that the facebook votes are making it difficult to truly predict who has the most/least votes.
In a perfect world (for me) it would be Naima and James going home tonight. Though James probably won’t be. I just hope Stefano hangs around another week or so. (Although if he does go home it is all my fault because I could have voted and I didn’t!) I could see Thia going home with Naima. But all my predictions this year have been WAY off the mark!
Scotty – I was giving Scotty crap earlier because he had tweeted that he had never heard this song before this week. But then it turned out, I’ve never heard it either… Again, he was consistent. Again, I’m not a country fan. But I give him props.
Naima – It is nice that she is finally giving things her own twist – I didn’t think the mix was all that bad but.. it wasn’t all that good either.
Paul -This seemed like a safe choice for Paul. He did well with it, but I wasn’t blown away.
Pia – Another ballad? And a song that has been done SO. MANY. TIMES. on this show. I just dont know what she thought was doing with this. I am with Randy. Switch the gears!
Stefano – I thought he did a good performance and I like how he ended it grabbing Jennifer’s hand haha
Lauren – She did a great job with this song. Not sure what else there is to say about that.
James – I think his theatrics got the best of him with this one. It was nice that he used the audience as his stage but I think that also hurt his vocals.
Thia – Good performance but not a show stopper.
Casey – I liked that we kind of got to see a softer side of Casey but I don’t know that I loooved the performance.
Jacob – Good performance. He didn’t go overboard, he had just the right amount of holding out notes. Good job.
Haley – I don’t know if this was the best performance of the night, but I thought she did really well. I could have done without a couple of her arm flails… but it’s not a movement competition so I can’t really hold that against her!