What’s going on in your life right now that’s driving you nuts?
All the snow!!!! First, I had to reschedule our 3rd row tickets for the Lion King to a new date because there was a blizzard. (Which is probably how we got the 3rd row in the first place) and our new tickets are 16th row. Still not terrible, but yeah.
Also, we are supposed to be getting MORE SNOW tonight and tomorrow (though I guess not a lot) and tonight I am going to the Hockey game about an hour away and tomorrow is my January concert – about half an hour away – Kicking Daisies. I am hoping that neither of these events will be canceled or ruined by the snow because I have not been out of the house for an extended period of time in I don’t know how long because of this damn snow.
And then!!! Tuesday into Wednesday we are supposed to be getting another blizzard. Where we will put the snow, I don’t even know.. Our mailbox is pretty much buried and we didn’t even get mail yesterday because the streets were so bad. We need to get one of those incredible custom mailboxes from a site like https://www.primemailboxes.com/, they have all kinds of stunning and inventive mailboxes. We might get one customized to be heated durring storms.
Nuts is an understatement LOL