December 4, 2010

December 3 – TIC Christmas Show

Friday night TIC 96.5 brought their Christmas Show to the Toyota presents Oakdale Theater in WALLINGFORD, CT. (Not Hartford. Not even close)  The lineup was Christina Perri, Guster, Kris Allen, Sara Bareilles and the Goo Goo Dolls.

Christina Perri I have not heard of outside of when I was listening to TIC non stop to win the passes to Hanson’s acoustic cafe.  She has a song called “Jar of Hearts” which I liked originally, but like with any radio station, they completely played her out. She did 4 songs and I really liked her.  She had a physical EP there, which is usually only available on iTunes, but I didn’t bother to pick it up. I am hoping for an iTunes shopping spree sometime after Christmas – so she has been added to that list 😉  I also heard her interview with Damon Scott on the way to the show and she was saying how 2 years ago she was married, had dogs and worked in production on music videos.  And now she is divorced and has a music career! I didn’t pay attention to much of the rest of the interview though because I CAN. NOT. STAND. Damon Scott.  When Christina said she was Italian (and that is why her last name ends in an ‘i’) he said something about how he could “see the mustache.”  Do people really ENJOY DJs like this? UGH!

Next up was Guster.  It is not that I don’t like them, they just always seem to find themselves performing before someone I reaalllly want to see (previously Maroon 5 and at this show Kris Allen) and so I just can’t find myself getting into it.  They did 5 songs, the last of which was done out in the crowd which was cool.  And most of the crowd was respectful and quiet since they had no mic or sound system out there.  I also saw on twitter it was one fans 130th Guster show – which is awesome! I hope one day I crack 100 for an artist or two…

Then it was time for Kris Allen. He did an acoustic set with his buddy Cale. (We love Cale) He started off with his latest single – Alright with Me, which I have YET to hear TIC play, but according to some tweets several people heard it on the way home from the show. (That will teach me to leave early haha) He also did Everybody Wants to Rule the World mashed up with The Way You Make Me Feel – which I think he had added to his set after our Lifehouse show so that was a new one for me and he also did a cover of U2’s Stuck in a Moment that was awesome (I think I have a clip of it – but I have to preview it because my friend Christine was being kind of crazy during some of my filming LOL I need to see if I have anything appropriate to post) He also did his 2nd single The Truth (where Christine teased me asking what I’d do if the dude from Train came out to sing it with him – he didn’t though, thank god because I don’t know what I would have done) and ended out the set with his first single, Live Like We’re Dying.  It wasn’t quite as interactive as his past couple of shows (though Keith Urban it was the most interactive) but it is Kris and he is pretty much my favorite person in the world so he can do no wrong.. EXCEPT for when we couldn’t manage to meet him.  My poor CD has gone with me to I think 6 shows now? And has yet to get signed by Kris… one of these days…

After Kris was Sara Bareilles, who I don’t know too much about, but I do enjoy the singles of hers I have heard on the radio (Love Song and King of Anything) and please forgive me if I spell her name wrong and/or multiple different ways throughout this post.  Eventually I will figure it out..  Unfortunately though, the guy behind us (who, go figure, is brothers with our “friend” at TIC) decided that it would be a good idea to TALK THROUGH HER ENTIRE SET.  It was kind of funny too though, because he kept saying he wanted to hear her sing Gravity – so I figured he must have enjoyed her at least a little bit, so I couldn’t quite understand why talking SO LOUD that we heard him more than the performance seemed like a good idea to him. But, considering his family line – I guess I should have known he wouldn’t know better.  She did end up singing Gravity – as her last song of the set – and he was singing and talking through it. I.. don’t get it.  But Sara was awesome and very thankful to be there.

After her set, Kris tweeted a picture of her performing and we were able to spot him up in one of the boxes.  Which we figured we had no way of getting to.  So that stunk.  I tried to keep my eye on him, but then it was time for Goo Goo Dolls and it was dark and hard to see him.

I.. wasn’t too impressed with Goo Goo Dolls.  They were kind of creepy looking. LOL  Plus, everyone was standing for their set and I liked it more when everyone was sitting down.  The slope in the floor at Oakdale has been killing me lately!  We stayed for a few songs of their set, but then decided to head out.  When we were leaving we noticed that all of Kris’ merch was taken down off the board. Figured he probably had left already (since I lost track of him up in the box) 🙁

It was an interesting pairing of acts for the show, but for the most part I enjoyed myself.  Although the fact that we were surrounded by people with All Access Passes, was kind of frustrating.  How we ended up as like the only people who got tickets via presale and not comp, I’ll never know!

More photos coming soon – setlists that I was able to piece together (ie theyre not all complete) are under the cut

Christina Perri Setlist:
Bang Bang Bang
Jar of Hearts

Guster Setlist:
This Could All Be Yours
Hang On
It’s My Life (Billy Joel Cover)
(and a couple more)

Kris Allen Setlist:
Alright With Me
Red Guitar
Everybody Wants To Rule The World / The Way You Make Me Feel (covers)
The Truth
Stuck In A Moment (U2 cover)
Live Like You’re Dying

Sara Barreilles Setlist:
(not in order and might not be complete)
Love Song
Hold My Heart
Gonna Get Over You
Single Ladies (Beyonce Cover)
King Of Anything

Goo Goo Dolls Setlist:
Big Machine
Here is Gone
Second Time
Can’t Let It Go
Black Balloon
Better Days
Stay With You
Now I Hear
Tucked Away
Let Love In
As I Am
(This is what was taped the the wall – we left early so I don’t know if they did an encore w/ more stuff)

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