Yesterday we went to Flushing, NY for the 15th annual Arthur Ashe Kids Day. It’s hard to believe this has been around for 15 years, but considering Hanson did it in 1997, I guess it makes sense! We got there earlier and just sat at the patio for a bit where we could kind of hear the Hess stage. There were a lot of acts on that stage, most of which I had never heard of, and the sound system must not have been that great because they all sounded awful from where we were sitting. (And there was no way that they booked that many awful acts!)
We went over to the Hess stage to check out Burnham, we stayed for 3 of their songs Rich Kids , Shy and Untouchable. When we left they were starting up with Glow In The Dark. They were the last band on the Hess stage so the crowd wasn’t all that huge for them, but those who were around seemed to really be into them. And Forrest is so little and cute 😉
When we left Burnham, we went over to the Arthur Ashe Stadium for the main stage show – which I am now watching on TV while I am blogging – I know, I know, I’m cheating just a little bit… For about an hour they had us just getting settled in and were teaching us about quick start tennis, which has tennis balls less compressed so it is easier for beginners to start playing tennis without needing to worry about the ball bouncing all over like crazy.
They also had a competition for some young tennis players, the winner would get to compete later against the pros and would win some money for their tennis program.
About 2pm it was time for the Jonas Brothers. They sang LA Baby, from their Disney show “Jonas LA”, then Adrienne Bailon and Quddus interviewed them. (I think they had said Q had hosted it for the past 10 years!) They also played S.O.S and Hold On.
Jonas Brothers tour mate and Camp Rock 2 Co-star Demi Lovato was up next – she sang Can’t Back Down from the movie as well as Get Back.
Then it was time for the pros to play the kids – Melanie Oudin, Novak Djokovic, Lindsey Vonn, Andy Roddick vs Nicole, Natan, Alex and Quinten. Nick Cannon was the umpire for the game and it was a combined game. The Kids ended up kicking the pros butts! Lindsey Vonn was having a lot of trouble getting the ball over the net and Andy kept throwing balls at her and then ended up sitting on the net so that she could get the ball over it LOL (She is a skiier after all)
After that, the Bryan Brothers band performed and were joined by Novak who made is rapping debut. They performed a song called Autograph and one other that I don’t remember the name of.
Next up was Joe and Demi performing Wouldn’t Change A Thing on the courts while they set up the stage for David Archuleta, who ended up singing his new single, Something ‘Bout Love and Crush. We ended up leaving after this as it was waaay too hot!
On the way back to where we parked, a guy with bootleg shirts ($10) was worried about my leg that I had hurt. (I have Cerebral Palsy and wear a leg brace) He ended up giving me one of the shirts for free lol
Photos coming soon…