Pretty Little Liars is airing this summer on ABC Family. So far, 2 episodes of the mystery drama have aired on TV. (If you want to catch up, they are streaming on Since the show is based on books, I decided I should read them ASAP.
I started them on Wednesday night and Saturday night I had finished books 1-4. Word is that the first season will cover books 1-4, so I figured it would be appropriate to write a review after reading the first four. I do plan on continuing the series, since I have already stopped in the middle of another series and I hate to leave things hanging. Plus the fact that there are still 4 more books leaves me intrigued.
The book revolves around high school students: Alison, Aria, Emily, Spencer and Hanna who were an inseparable group of best friends in seventh grade. After Alison goes missing, the girls all went their separate ways and the books pick up with the girls in high school. They all begin getting mysterious messages signed ‘A’ and the girls think that Alison (or ‘Ali’) is alive and playing a trick on them. Once Ali’s body is found, the girls become closer once again as they try to figure out who they are getting the messages from.
The first book kind of dragged – even though it was VERY similar to the first episode of the series for the first 100 or so pages. I think because I had already known what was happening and what was going to happen. Once I got to the second book it got to the ‘can’t put this down’ type mentality. Although, I did have to put it down and get some sleep! Friday night however I stayed up ’til 4am finishing book 3 and starting book 4 – as a friend of mine had tipped me off that by book 4 I would finally find out who ‘A’ was. (I had a couple of ideas and was desperate to know if I was right)
I really love mystery books because I like to try and solve things before the characters in the books do. Though I will admit some things I thought were clues turned out to just be red herrings throwing me off the track completely. The books are all about 200 pages long and are geared towards teens so they are pretty quick and easy reads and they really grab your attention.
My only “complaint” was that the actresses cast for the show don’t really match the description of the girls in the books. Really not a major thing, but when I am picturing a brunette from the show and the book mentions their blonde hair, it gets confusing for a split second!
Now I just hope that the TV series can hold my attention when I already know what is going to end up happening – and it will be interesting to see what they chose to include or skip over from the books with the series.