No Sugarland tonight
Tonight I was supposed to go see Sugarland as my first free show with my Ultimate Access Pass. I also had a Meet & Greet with Danny Gokey.
First, I couldn’t find anyone to go with me (I don’t understand why people turn down a free ticket, but apparently the LOST finale was more important to some people than anything else) and then I ended up with the most massive headache I have ever had in my life. So I popped some Advil, tweeted to Danny Gokey that I hope the show went well but I was sick and then I slept for several hours. I really had considered going up there alone, but there was noooo way I could drive with my head pounding.
When I woke up I still wasn’t feeling 100%, but I had a DM from Danny saying he hoped I felt better soon. Awww. Maybe he’s not so awful after all 😉
It looks like my first UAP will now be in July with Jack Johnson!