Friday during the Nick Jonas concert, we saw that Honor Society had tweeted a video. We couldn’t watch it, but we knew that the idea was you had to make a video and enter to win tickets to Timbaland. Since we had decided we weren’t paying for tickets to see Timbaland (they are like $50 after fees!) we had made a pact that we would only go if we won them.
Saturday, Lauren & I headed up to Christine’s to film our video. We were armed with my doll Zac’s wardrobe and Christine had picked up some supplies at AC Moore while out buying pears.
[youtube=]The deadline for the contest was yesterday and about 6:45 tonight we got a message from Honor Society that we had won!! We didn’t know how many winners there would be, but later on they said there were only *6* winners via their twitter and there were over 50 entries!
We are psyched that we get tickets and a M&G;, but bummed that Christine can’t go with us to the show 🙁