January 2010

Would You Rather Wednesday

January 21
Be able to draw like picasso, but smell intensely of raspberries
To compose like mozart, but have to always wear those really dark, tight designer jeans from the seventies?

Well, I love raspberries and hate tight jeans – so picasso it is!

January 22
Be incredibly charming, but only when discussing your bowel movements
Have an infallible pick-up line, but only with fuddruckers employees?

LOL. I guess I’ll go with charming when talking about poop.

Saturday/Sunday January 23/24
You belly button double as an electrical outlet
Be able to swap your face at will with anyone else?

Belly button as an outlet. Definitely. That would come in handy a lot!

January 25
Have a flair for interior design, but wobble ceaselessly in the presence of small children
Be able to type 80 words a minute, but moan like chewbacca when you defecate?

Well, I can type 80+ wpm. And I do wobble in the presence of small children so really this one is a fail.

January 26
Have an anus that can function as a dust buster
Nipples that can act as universal light dimmers

Uhhhh. No comment?

January 27
Have a tongue that double as a retractable tape measure
A GPS built in to your crotch

Hmm, I can find either of these useful… lmao but I think I’m going to go with tape measure because I am constantly misplacing my ruler when scrapbooking. If it was always in my mouth I’d be all set!

Honor Society School of Rock 1/21/10

Yesterday we got on the road a little bit later than originally intended, but made it to NJ with time to spare. We stopped at the neighborhood McDonalds for a pit stop before driving back over to the School of Rock NJ.

We had already decided that we weren’t going to bother trying to get a “good” spot, we were going to hang in the back. (in November we tried to hang in the crowd but ended up in the back by the end of the night, so we figured we might as well start there this time)

Since we had a while to wait before Honor Society, we decided to sit on the floor to rest our legs. I decided to stay on the ground for most of the opening act, Just Kait’s set. While she was performing, Honor Society came in through a garage door and was watching Kait’s set. Mike was looking around and I saw his eyes go to the ground and he spotted me and gave me a big grin. I smiled right back.

This Honor Society show was going to be special. They had mentioned there would be a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT, at least *2* new songs and some oldies as well. (The whole ride down Lauren and I were reminiscing about 2008 and listening to our old recordings to brush up on lyrics haha)

Finally, they hit the stage. They were broadcasting live, so our friend Christine was giving us a play by play of their chat and told us when they were on their way to us lol

The show was acoustic – and a special treat. We got throwbacks of No Win Situation, Heartache in the Suburbs (which I hadn’t seen performed before), The Takeover and of course our favorite – This Bed Is An Ocean – during which Mike said “I see you in the back” directed at Lauren and I. hahaha. (He was looking at us a lot and I think it was thanks to him spotting me on the floor earlier in the evening)

There were 2 new songs – Great Expectations previously sung only at soundchecks (which we had never had the privilege of attending) and When I Come Home which was so new it was not even finished yet.

The big announcement was that their next tour is going to be the HERE COMES TROUBLE TOUR. They also played that song as an encore and I don’t think I have ever seen them leave the stage and come back for an encore before.

We hung around for the M&G; line to get shorter (they did a FREE M&G; for everyone in attendance) and then went through the line. I noticed that Andy was wearing a necklace from the website that he had mentioned to Lauren and I at the Today show so I talked to him about it and said that I thought it was the one from the site when I spotted it during the show and he said I had a “good eye”. Next up was Alex, and I asked if he would put my name on the autograph and of course he did. (1 down, 3 to go haha) Then I told him that it was my cousin Britt’s 16th birthday the day before and so we took her to the show. Mike overheard and said happy birthday. I didn’t really say much to Mike or Jason – I think we were all just to exhausted to think of words for each other by that point. haha.

Overall, I think that was one of the BEST Honor Society shows I have gone to – and trust me, I have gone to a lot hahaha.

Setlist under the cut… pics and possibly videos to come sometime this weekend. (I feel like I am going to nap as soon as I get home and not bother with uploading pics, but we’ll see!)

Over You
Two Rebels
Where Are You Now
Full Moon Crazy
Great Expectations
No Win Situation
Heartache in the Suburbs
The Takeover
When I Get Home
Why Didnt I
My Own Way
This Bed Is An Ocean
Use Somebody
Don’t Close The Book
Nobody Has To Know
See U In The Dark

Here Comes Trouble

Timbaland – Irving Plaza 1/20/2010

Last night I went to Irving Plaza to see Timbaland. Timbaland is not someone I would just decide to go see, but Honor Society was opening and I had won the tickets so of course I had to check it out.

I had expected that there would be a huge line of people waiting, but it turned out it was mainly Honor Society fans and for sure we thought we would end up with front row. Except, then the will call / guest list line was separated. We were at the front of the guest list line but it turned out that was NOT the line we were supposed to be on so our dreams of front row were crushed.

We ended up only about 4 or 5 rows back though, closer at this show than we were for the last time Honor Society had headlined. We were just hanging near the barricade when Lauren told me that Alex was behind me and I turned around and said hi. Mike had gone by already too and a little while later Jason and Andy made their way past us.

The show was set to start at 9pm and Timbaland would be playing until midnight. This stunk, because Honor Society’s meet and greets were not until AFTER Timbaland’s set.

Honor Society did 6 songs – Full Moon Crazy (whos track started playing a little bit too early – but got us all to get our cameras out and get ready lol), Two Rebels, Over You, Down / My Own Way, Nobody Has To Know & Here Comes Trouble.

After their set was over their equipment was near us and there were still a bunch of picks on the mic stands. One of the staff guys took one of Andy’s and put it in his pocket. Then kept teasing us asking if we wanted them. OF COURSE we did. He thought that was sooo funny and perhaps if we were 12 we would have been upset but jokes on him because it didn’t bother us all that much haha (Especially since I asked Andy for a pick later and he gave me one lol)

We waited for a bit in between sets and then all 4 guys came by and slapped our hands as they left to go wherever it is they ended up going.

Lauren & I headed to the restrooms and then found a chair to sit on. They had a TV set up so we were able to watch Sebastian’s set (though we couldn’t really hear it) and a little after 11 we headed back upstairs (Timbaland’s set started around 10:30)

Going in to this show I wasn’t really sure what to expect. My opinion of Timbaland was that he says “ahhh ohhh eeee ohh” in the background of songs. And I still hold that opinion even after the show. BUT, it was pretty cool. Since he collaborates with SO many people and obviously they all can’t go on tour with him, he has a screen set up on the side of the stage where those performers appear and sing with him. He has also been known to bring out some special guests.

And for New York City, he pulled out all the stops. As the end of the show (or so we thought) got nearer, he was joined on the stage by Keri Hilson. Next thing you know the crowd surges forward and there are screams as Lil Kim takes the stage!

Then he did a medley of Justin Timberlake songs – which.. was kind of lame. And would have worked out a LOT better if you know, Justin showed up to sing with him? (I mean it would have made MY night worth it, at least…)

Then it seemed he had ONE final guest. And who appears? but PDiddy! (I of course showed my age by almost calling him “Puff Daddy”) and he sang All About the Benjamins. Somehow, I knew the words? Oh, middle school days…

The show was over sometime after midnight. (Youd think, being so annoyed by all of this time stuff I would have paid better attention to remembering, but I didn’t, it was far past my bed time…)

We were then brought upstairs for our M&G; with Honor Society – we got pictures with them for winning the contest. It was all very awkward and confusing – I think we were all half asleep at this point and just kind of bumbling around. Is that even a word? I’m not sure.

Then we went back downstairs for the signing M&G; and they moved us out of the way so PDiddy could go by. A couple girls got pics with him and then he disappeared. (He had come to the show as a FAN just to see Timbaland, and Tim made him come up on stage haha)

We caught what we believe to be the last train out – which was at 1:49am. We got to the station about 3:30 am and I have NO idea when I fell asleep once I got home. I was hoping it would have been as soon as I crawled in to bed, but unfortunately that was not the case!

And now we do it all again tonight – except – Honor Society is headlining so the show should be over by 9:30 and then we just have to wait in the M&G; line.

Pictures from tonight coming soon – probably not until the weekend.

Would You Rather Wednesday

So here we go again… with would you rather wednesday

January 14
Have an increased charm when on the tundra
Unquestionable priority when it comes to using shared armrests in public theaters?

Definitely armrests. I love me some armrests.

January 15
Be able to determine the exact ripeness of fruits by whispering to them
To unsuspectingly induce handle-bar moustaches?

Definitely be a fruit whisperer.

January 16/17
Be stuck on an elevator with avid jehovah’s witnesses’ missionaries
Flatulent supermodels?

I think I’m going to go with the jehovah’s

January 18
Be able to walk on pudding
To project holograms of the puerto rican super group menudo?

LMAO. Definitely menudo holograms. I love me some boybands.

January 19
Be able to turn water into a sword
To summon the Baldwin Brothers

Both of these seem pointless, but Alec does know the Jonas Brothers so I guess I’m going to have to go with the Baldwin Brothers. And hope Alec isn’t too busy to show up and call JB…

January 20
Be able to successfully avoid doing chores and facing minor relationship problems by hiding under some coats for a little while
To bake chicken pot pie inside of your pants

Anything about avoiding chores I am all over πŸ˜‰

We’re going to see Timbaland!

Friday during the Nick Jonas concert, we saw that Honor Society had tweeted a video. We couldn’t watch it, but we knew that the idea was you had to make a video and enter to win tickets to Timbaland. Since we had decided we weren’t paying for tickets to see Timbaland (they are like $50 after fees!) we had made a pact that we would only go if we won them.

Saturday, Lauren & I headed up to Christine’s to film our video. We were armed with my doll Zac’s wardrobe and Christine had picked up some supplies at AC Moore while out buying pears.


The deadline for the contest was yesterday and about 6:45 tonight we got a message from Honor Society that we had won!! We didn’t know how many winners there would be, but later on they said there were only *6* winners via their twitter and there were over 50 entries!

We are psyched that we get tickets and a M&G;, but bummed that Christine can’t go with us to the show πŸ™

Would You Rather Wednesday

Another installment of Would You Rather Wednesday!

January 7
Sweat manischwitz wine
cry crushed garlic

I’m thinking sweat wine. Not a garlic fan. Not a wine fan either for that matter but it just seems like the better option

January 8
Be rash man (annoy foes with minor skin irritations)
The tenderizer (softens foes with rapid strokes of a mallet)

The tenderizer. Definitely.

January 9/10
Eat a stick of cotton candy made entirely from belly button lint
Drink a milkshake made from st bernard slobber

This is gross!!! But I guess Ill go with cotton candy

January 11
Marry a self righteous milkman
a melancholy locksmith

A locksmith I think. I dont know. This one is just odd.

January 12
Have the power to shave just by thinking really hard
An unexplainable gift, whereupon after flushing the toilet, everybody in the building renounces their religion?

Definitely shave power. I don’t understand the point of the second one lol

January 13
Have the ability to silence with a stare
Be able to goose with a wink

Well, I can silence with a stare if I am mad enough about something – so definitely going with the ability to goose with a wink. LMAO.

Nick Jonas

On Friday I went to the Beacon Theater (where most of the live scenes from Hanson’s “Tulsa, Tokyo and the Middle of Nowhere” were filmed back in 1997) with friends Christine and Lauren to see Nick Jonas’ side project – Nick Jonas and the Administration.

At first I was skeptical. I am a Joe girl and sometimes Nick’s voice gets on my nerves so much so I skip his lead songs on the Jonas Brothers cds. Could he really keep my attention, alone, for a full set?

Apparently I was the only one who was skeptical as tickets sold out so quickly during presales, the 3 of us were all forced to sit apart. Christine was in row A, Lauren row C and I was all the way in row Q (which actually was not a bad spot at all, as the theater is so tiny)

The first opening act was Mike Deleasea’s band. Mike is Kevin Jonas’s brother in law. We only caught his last song, and I was too busy looking for my ear plugs to really pay attention. (Ear plugs are a must at shows like this) The second opener was Diane Birch. She had an older sound, similar to that of Carole King, and I enjoyed her set.

Nick did a great job keeping my attention. The Administration’s album doesn’t come out until February, but he seemed to do the perfect mix of new unknown songs and remixed Jonas songs as well as covers.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t keep the attention of many of the girls in the audience once they realized that Kevin and Joe were watching the show from the side steps. While I did take a couple pictures and glance over from time to time, many of the front rows were completely turned sideways and not even looking at Nick!

Although, Nick had the last laugh when he said he wanted to have 2 people join him on stage. Kevin and Joe made their way through the crowd and got on stage and the three of them performed a really old Jonas Brothers song called “Please Be Mine” which they rarely play any more. It was a real treat to get to see that. (So far the only time his brothers have been invited on stage to play) After the song both Joe and Kevin gave Nick a big hug.

There was one really rocking song, which I have no idea what the name was, but it was during that song that I became a believer. It seems apparent that Nick can do pretty much any genre, and do it well. Which I should have known all along, because he is backed by members of Prince’s New Power Generation and I don’t think he could get musicians like that to back him, if he wasn’t the real deal.

Nick also has been trying to prove he is the funny Jonas Brother (a title mostly given to Joe) so he decided to read a joke from his joke book. “How do you keep a snake from striking?” “Pay it decent wages” I thought the joke was cute, however the girls around me BOO’ed him and said that they didn’t get it! I guess jokes about wages and unions fall flat with the 12 year old demographic.

Though the highlight of the night was a new song that he had written called “Stay” Of course, this one isn’t going to be on the new album (but hopefully it will be recorded and released soon!) Before it started he took off his button down shirt (and if the screaming by the crowd was any indication, they loved that) revealing just his white t-shirt underneath. He put so much emotion into singing the song and I just hope that he doesn’t end up ruining the Jonas Brothers like Justin Timberlake ruined NSYNC (yeah, im still bitter)

Set list and pictures under the cut.


Last Time Around
Olive and an Arrow
State of Emergency
Fireflies (Owl City Cover)
Use Somebody
Empire State of Mind/Catch Me (Covers)
Before the Storm
Black Keys
A Little Bit Longer
Please Be Mine (with Joe and Kevin)
The Way You Make Me Feel
Conspiracy Theory
Rose Garden
Who I Am


Would You Rather?

I was suckered into purchasing 4 “random” calendars on Woot.com before the end of the year. I was interested in the “music trivia” on that they had listed so I thought buying 4 (instead of just 2) would help my chances in getting the music one. Imagine my surprise when ALL FOUR were “Would You Rather?” calendars?

I decided to make the most of it and start a “Would You Rather?” Wednesday. Yes, I know today is not Wednesday, but I thought I would get caught up with the year before making it a weekly feature. (Which I hope I will remember to do for the year.. I forsee some Not-So-Wednesday Would You Rather days in my future…)

Would You Rather…
January 1
Have any article of clothing you try on fit perfectly?
Have your dreams automatically downloaded to DVDs each night?

This is a tough one. But, I know that I have some incredibly insane dreams so I think I am going to go with having them downloaded to DVD. I think they would bring some good laughs.

January 2/3
Cry Hot Tar
Sneeze with the force of a double barrel shotgun?

Ok so now I got the feeling that these are all going to be tough. I mean, it wouldn’t be anything worth spending money on if it wasn’t, right? I do both quite often… but I think sneezing would be more fun for everyone. Hot tar would be pretty painful for me, whereas with the sneezing I could share the pain. πŸ˜‰

January 4
Date a Prop Comedian
A Compulsive Air Guitarist

This one was easy! When I read “prop comedian” I immediately thought Carrot Top – which made my decision of a Compulsive Air Guitarist that much easier. haha

January 5
Wear you hair in a mullet for a month for $1,200
Wear a members only jacket in public every day for a year for $5,500?

Maybe I spoke too soon on these not being easy. I really don’t care what other people think of me so I will wear whatever I want and therefore I will wear whatever would get me the most money, which would be a members only jacket. The only hard part with this would be for me to wear a jacket EVERY DAY. I don’t care what it looks like, I’m usually warm!

January 6
Be able to anti-levitate (sink slightly into the ground)
To teleport, but only to an arby’s located in betsville, maryland?

Hmm. There is nothing I want to be able to do more than teleport. But I’ve never eaten at an Arby’s! haha I guess I would go with teleporting (because I can’t think of any useful reason for anti-levitation as a power?) and hope that eventually I would be able to tweak it so I could go more places!

Honor Society New Years Eve – Part II

At 8 we met up with our friends and walked a few blocks down to where the stage was set up. It took us about half an hour to get down there since a lot of areas were slippery. As soon as we turned to the stage they started singing 'Over You' and we found out it was still soundcheck. I joked I should lend Alex my hat because he wasn't wearing one. (And I thought my hat was pretty ridiculous)

Then they left the stage and we waited for 9pm to roll around. During this time our friend Cara spotted us and brought us over to meet Allison and Erin. We chatted with them a bit and then went to snag a spot for the show.

For a while I was off to the side and Lauren wandered around. Umbrellas were making it hard to see all the guys. My camera battery died (which we had charged on the way down, what the heck?) just as I got a clear view of Alex. In a rush I put the battery in backwards and it got stuck. I spent some time messing with it and gave up before realizing I could probably pry it out with a coin, but I had dumped all my coins in the hotel to make my purse lighter! Then I remembered I had a secret stash of quarters and pennies for penny collecting and was able to get it fixed. And then an umbrella was blocking Alex again! Haha

Later Lauren took me in to the crowd for the show. I had never really been in 'the middle' of a GA crowd, but I survived (with lots of Lauren's help!)

The set was basically the same as it was at the end of the Fashionably Late tour but they did add 'Down' in the middle of don't close the book. The song was on my list of most annoying songs in 2009 (a mental list I had been keeping haha) but it was a nice surprise.

After their set we went to find a warm place to sit. We hung out iin a hallway for a bit and then headed back out at about 1130 to catch some of Cherry Poppin Daddies set and get spots for the kiss raising.

Honor society came back on stage for the countdown and then there were fireworks. The guys took pics and wished fans a happy new year but considering it was like a stampede when the guys hit the barricade, I stayed back. I kind of wanted a pic of Alex and I in our ridiculous winter hats (he put one on after the show – and a jacket too he was drumming in a tshirt!!) But it wasn't worth breaking through the crowd.

We said Happy New Year to some of the guys parents and then watched the police blow a whistle to get Alex to leave the crowd!

We made our way back to the hotel, slipping and sliding. There had been talk of hot showers but we were far too beat to even stand in the shower and crashed in bed watching a lifetime movie haha

It was a great way to ring in the new year – great friends and great music though the freezing rain we could have done without!!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT

2010 Goals

-Get Organized
-Work on time management
-Figure out a budget – and stick to it.
-Read at least 15 books
-Watch at least 50 movies
-Get all the pennies available in Connecticut & NYC
-Ride my bike at least 5 minutes a day
-Try to go to at least 1 concert per month
-See Hanson 50 times (total count) by the end of 2010 (aka 9 shows in 2010)
-Put all my change in a bank, see how much it is at the end of the year
-Get 100% caught up on 8×8 Celeb Book
-put away pennies and keep trade list organized, online and up-to-date
-get each member of honor society to write my name on an autograph

Penny Visits
-Mystic Village
-Mystic Pizza
-Mystic Aquarium
-Lake Compounce
-CT Science Center
-Mark Twain House
-Dinosaur State Park
-Times Square Toys R Us
-Central Park Zoo

Other places to visit
-Keyspan Park (Cyclone Game) / Original Nathan’s / Coney Island
-Ellis Island
-Central Park (Bethesda Fountain)
-Sit on the steps of the Met
-Go to Carnegie Deli
-Visit Dylan’s Candy Bar
-MACYS Herald Square
-Yankee Stadium Hard Rock Cafe
-Jay and Silent Bobs Secret Stash
-Hoboken Train Station (for better pics)

-See NYC on a double decker bus
-See Harry Potter Museum Display (Boston until Feb 21)
-Tim Burton Display at Moma (NYC until April 26)
-Corbin Bleu on Broadway (Jan 25 – April 25)
-The Lion King On Broadway
-Titanic the Exhibit (NYC until end of Feb??)

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