Thursday was my 19th Honor Society show. Originally Lauren and I were going to go see Maroon 5 instead, but after the whole drumstick drama in PA, we decided to see Honor Society instead. I’m not sure how the Maroon 5 show went, but I’m pretty sure we made the right choice.
We missed our first train, but luckily there was another just 15 minutes later. We got to Grand Central and hopped on the 6 to get to Union Square. Got out of the elevator and made our way over to Irving Plaza.
We walked to line looking for our friend Ashley, but ended up finding Dominique and Dierdre who we met at the CD release party and see at the NY shows. When Dom and I hugged, somehow it ended with her poking me in the eye. I don’t know how it happened, but I could see out if it and it feels fine now so I think all is ok.
Then we found Ashley, she was with Octavia that we know from the AHSF board. We were also informed that Kevin Covais – aka Chicken Little – from American Idol was there! We ended up seeing him a bit later and I got a picture with him 🙂
Once it looked like security had come out, we asked about getting a seat for me. They said there was only 1 seat and that it was near the bar, which is in the back, but I could still see. They took us up on the elevator and there was no seat! One of the bartenders grabbed us one and I sat waiting for the crowd to start filling in. Security told me that once the show started, the chair had to be back in a cubby – I could still sit on it in the cubby though. Considering this was like as back as you could possibly get, I opted to sit and get my energy back during Esmee’s set and then before Honor Society hit the stage we found a spot closer.
It was a good spot until the Yankee fan Dad next to me ended up just about ON TOP of me by the end of the show. (And my screaming, singing and clapping didn’t phase him.)
The setlist was changed up a little bit from last month’s shows. Emsee sang with Mike for “My Own Way” and Jason did an awesome rendition of “Use Somebody” – he really needs to sing more.
We had our merch M&G; wristbands, but I didn’t want to have to go all the way down the stairs to come back up again (and their stairs are kind of steep) so we asked security and he let us go up in the line right away!
There were only a few girls in front of us. We saw the guys walk by and say hi to their families. (Lucy Hale was also there) And then it was time to say hi to the guys. I had made them discs of summer memories from the viewers of so I handed them those and I also gave Alex a copy of the scrapbook from last summer that he liked so much.
THEN I was on a mission. I went up to Alex and was like “Remember that time that you said you would give me a drumstick and then DIDN’T?” and he was like “was that tonight?” and I was like “No, last month in Pennsylvania” and he was like “OH MAN!” and assured me he would have them in his pocket in the meet and greet in Boston. So we’ll see if that happens. And then I asked Andy if he had a pick for me and he was like “NO! I DONT!” and was like stomping around that he didn’t. So I told him BOSTON! and he was like YES! So once again we’ll see if he remembers!
We got the elevator back downstairs and left! Caught the 11:22 train and got home about 1 – but I had to stop and get gas because there was NO way I was waking up early before work to have gotten it and I wasn’t sure I would make it all the way to work!