After getting home a midnight from PA (and staying up a little bit too late talking to friends once I got inside) I crashed in bed only to wake up at 8:30. (This is something I don’t even do on work days!)
My cousin got dropped off and we made our way to Lauren’s, who then drove us up to the ballpark. Tons of GPS’s were sending people to the wrong area, but we finally made it into the long line of cars waiting to get in a little bit after 11. (Doors were at 11)
We made our way inside and we were just a few rows up from home, on the first base side. Verizon was there getting us all hyped up. At one point, they played an Honor Society Tour video (which I had definitely already seen) but as soon as I heard ‘Hey we’re Honor Society’ I let out a terrible scream… and then covered my mouth once I realized what I had done. Usually, I scream so my throat WON’T hurt afterward, but this was pretty much involuntary and boy did my throat hurt after it!! My cousin found it pretty darn hilarious though. Yes, there is a teenie deep inside me somewhere that comes out every now and then!
Jonas was going to play 2 kickball games (of 3 innings each) and then a ROAD DOGS GAME after that!
Jonas lost the first kickball game to “The Black Keys” by a score of 4-3. They won the second game against “Team Love Bug” by a score of 6-0.
For the softball game, they played the Norwich PD and Papa Jonas was the pitcher. He gave up 13 runs in the FIRST INNING. Norwich also hit 2 grand slams. (Nick Jonas hit 2 home runs) and they ended up losing 20-18. We really thought they were going to pull out a win in the bottom of the 7th, but came up just short! (And Honor Society’s manager NED was playing which made me laugh. A lot. Every time he was up.)
Nick’s inside the park home run