Last night I went to my 150th concert, which also happened to be my 40th Hanson concert. The “Use Your Sole” tour is in support of the “Stand Up, Stand Up” EP, which was what was recorded at the Members Only Event that I attended in Tulsa earlier this year.
Also on the tour are Sherwood (we arrived late and missed their set), Steel Train and HelloGoodbye.
I attended this show with my friend Natalie – we have a club – it’s called “the My favorite Hanson married a girl with my same name club” (There’s got to be a way to shorten that…) We’re still taking applications for an Ike girl named Nicole…
We found a booth and sat watching the video monitor for HelloGoodbye’s set. Northern Lights had done a huge revamp to the area since I had been there last (2004?) I could actually SEE the people on the stage and there seemed to be a lot more room.
Hanson took the stage just after 9:30 and started off with the new song “World’s On Fire”, this song is on the Stand Up Stand Up but was not recorded at the event so it was nice starting off with a new song to add to the list. (I keep track of how many songs I have heard live and how many times I have heard them. These days, a show with 2 new songs is a victory)
Taylor has the flu and had missed his 3rd walk in a row earlier that day. He didn’t sound too off (although the notes in the beginning of “Cecelia” were a bit harsh) although he did make a few mistakes throughout the night.. like singing the wrong verse during This Time Around, but Isaac seemed to straighten him out. Cecelia was the 2nd new song for the night for me and was also the one voted on by fans.
This tour they have added the feature of having one song in the set voted on by fans. They put up 5 choices on the website and voting ends at noon on the day of the show. For Albany there were 3 songs I hadn’t heard live and 2 that I had. So odds were good I’d get a new one, though my vote went to “Hard To Handle” I’m a but upset that they are mixing up the set list so much on the tour that I am NOT going to multiple shows on, but hopefully they will consider the voting a success and continue it on future tours.
For the encore, I was really hoping (especially with Taylor being sick) that it would be one of Zac’s songs, either “Don’t Stop Believing” (a new addition this tour) or “I Want You To Want Me” (the encore on the 2000 This Time Around Tour) Unfortunately I had set my hopes a little *too* high and ended up being disappointed in the encore of “Lost Without Each Other”, which is actually one of my favorite songs off of Underneath!!
I think this was also the quickest I had ever gotten out of a concert. We left as soon as the guys left the stage. The buses aren’t really accessible and we had a bit of a drive home so by 11:30 we were on the road. We made a quick pitstop to get some gas and M&Ms; (Natalie had a craving and my ipod playing Eminem wasn’t helping matters lol) I dropped Natalie off at her college at 2am and made it home by 3am, thanks very much so to Mr 305, Pitbull, who kept me alert on my drive home. Then I immediately crawled into my nice warm bed and crashed.